Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2014
The concept of trilogy It is widely used in our language, especially at the request of the fields of literature and from movie theater where it is used to name the series of three literary works or film productions, as appropriate, belonging to the same creator or Author and that present a unity and correlation in terms of content.
Generally that unit that we highlight in the trilogy has to do with the continuation of the same story or with the presentation of the same protagonist but who stars in another adventure.
These days people are certainly fanatical about these types of three-part serial stories and tend to look forward to the other parts that will complete the story.
If we have to choose a trilogy that has shaken the field of literature in recent times, we cannot ignore that of Fifty Shades of Gray, and the sequels of it Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed, written by author E.L. James. The trilogy tells the story of love and passion lived by a businessman and a young recent graduate. Meanwhile, it attracted so much attention as a consequence of being a hyper transgressive proposal in terms of the exacerbated eroticism it presents.
And if we get into the history of the unforgettable trilogies of the big screen we can not forget the Padrino, directed by Francis Ford Coppola and telling the story of a mafia boss, Don Vito Corleone, and his family. This trilogy was fundamental in the race of many famous actors, such is the case of Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Andy Garcia, among others.
Now, we must emphasize that this set of works is not an invention of our modern times, much less but its origin dates back hundreds of years ago, in the Ancient Greece, to be precise, and where the concept was used to name those three tragedies with which an author appeared in a popular contest that took place in each celebration of the Greek god of wine and grape harvest named Dionysus.
The tragedy Greek is undoubtedly the genderdramatic par excellence and that would later nurture many others that emerged later in time.