The words with RRI they contain this combination almost always in the middle, in very few cases at the end, but never at the beginning of the word. For example: fromrribar, horrible.
This combination is very rare in Spanish, so there are very few words in which it appears.
RR is used when:
Only one R (and no RR) is used when:
aburrigo | ACrril | incurrir |
Ah orrrista | ACrrito | irrigation |
torriba | chirrido | irrisorio |
torribeño | concurrir | irritation |
torriendo | corrientity | occupyrrir |
torriero | corrieron | otorrinolaryngologist |
torriesgar | corrijo | pantorrillas |
torrisea | shortrrientity | parrilla |
torrinconado | coastrricense | popurri |
torriPub | curricular | porrista |
grabrrin | fromrriPub | portrrinot |
aterriczar | fromrritea | whatrrito |
barrito the | restrrilar | recorriendo |
barrieron | I hearrrir | recurrir |
barriga | railwayrril | socorriSaint |
barril | gorrion | tearrible |
barrilet | guerrilla | tearritail |
barrizal | twinerrista | tearrithorium |
burricough | horrible | transcurrir |
chubrrito | horripilante | zorricry |
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