Definition of Necessary Evil
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in Jun. 2015
From the psychological point of view, the concept of necessary evil refers to a damage that is inevitable and that despite not being pleasant, produces therapeutic benefits according to the purpose it pursues. That is to say, this necessary evil has a character of means in relation to a different end.
There are different examples of necessary evil, for example, when a person is immersed in a Relationship that it does not suit you needs to realize for yourself that this relationship has no future to be able to take a decision about it and move on with your life independently.
The sense of action
Similarly, in the way of the overcoming personal, people also have to take conscience of his limitations in order to reinforce his strengths. Similarly, failures are a necessary evil on the road to success since everyone who has triumphant has known the taste of defeat at some point (defeats that provide very valuable).
The grieving process for the loss of a loved one is a necessary evil (it is a painful stage) in order to heal wounds and rebuild the universe
emotional internal. From the point of view of feelings, there are feelings like frustration that are very necessary even though they are not at all pleasant to experience. Disappointments are a necessary evil on the way to happiness.A means to an end
Thomas Aquinas specifies that human beings naturally pursue the good because it is pleasant to them and flee from harm because it is uncomfortable for them. However, the concept of necessary evil shows that in some cases, evil can also be pedagogical. For example, punishment is not pleasant for the child at first, however, it is beneficial in the long term and is necessary in the future. education for the values it brings.
A necessary evil shows an experience that the subject must inevitably go through in a certain circumstance in order to overcome a specific chapter in a positive way. In this way, the concept of evil necessary shows the relative character of that experience when it is put in relation to the end.
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