Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2009
A map is the metric representation and graph of a portion of a territory which can be done on any two-dimensional surface, which is traditionally flat, as is the case with paper, although it can also be spherical, as shown by the globes, so popular when studying where it is each continent, each country, each region or each province of a particular state.
Although certainly almost no one thinks about it, maps are an essential source of information for any human activity, because thanks to these and the sophistication that technology impresses on them every day, is that we can know very specifically where a certain town is located, even if it is not well known and they are also an incalculable help when we move outside or within our habitat, to allow us to locate ourselves and know which paths are the best to take to reach a certain destination.
Currently the use of techniques based on the Photography for satelite, for example, they allow us to know not only the contour and exact shape of a country, continent or world, but also some ethnic, historical, hydrographic data, statistical, geomorphological, economic, among others, which are what allow us to have a complete and complete idea of the country, the continent and the world in which we inhabit.
But of course this sophistication was not always the case, however, none of this made it impossible for our ancestors made the first maps using sand or snow as a base, as appropriate to the place and to weather where they were.
At the time of elaboration of a map, cartographers who are the ideal professionals in the field, should first of all emphasize that the expression graphic is clear and legible, without sacrificing precision, of course.
There are different types of maps, some are: current map, which represents topographic data and most recent geographical, administrative map, which shows the main facts of the organization administrative, for example borders, divisions and capitals and the analytical, which represents the various elements that make up a phenomenon, among others.
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