Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Aug. 2016
The comic is a subgenus literary which is accompanied by illustrations. Comic book stories feature heroes, also known as superheroes because they possess extraordinary qualities. Each editorial has its own heroes and villains and in the tradition There are two leading publishers of American comics, Marvel and DC.
Marvel characters
The fictional characters that make up the Marvel world are superheroes with some peculiarity. Spiderman is a young man photographer press, Peter Parker, with an arachnid sense and great agility and strength physical. The Hulk is a humanoid who in his normal life is a scientist named Bruce Banner (in a experiment scientist Bruce Banner received radiation and when he becomes enraged he transforms into the Hulk, a being of green color and with a force superhuman). Wolverine is a mutant with retractable claws and in his ordinary life is called Logan (Wolverine is part of a group of mutants, the X-Men).
Other Marvel superheroes include Iron Man, Captain
America, Black Widow and Ghost Rider. They all have some common characteristics: their superhero status is kept secret, their life is full of adventures and dangers and they act with a righteous spirit.DC Comics characters
The letters DC of this publisher that emerged in the 1930s refer to a title from the first adventures, Detective Comics. Among the most popular characters are Superman and Batman. Superman was born on the planet Krypton but was sent to Earth before his planet disappeared (his mission from him in the world is to help humanity and to go unnoticed his human life is starred by a journalist named Clark Kent).
Batman does not have extraordinary powers but he does have great physical and mental strength (Batman is actually the disguise that uses Bruce Wayne, a billionaire who decided to fight evil after the murder of his parents when he was a boy).
The publishers Marvel and DC can be understood as two companies that compete with each other to attract the public
However, it is justified that both appear together. On the one hand, adventures have sometimes been recreated in which Marvel heroes share experiences with DC heroes.
On the other hand, a certain rivalry has been created between the followers of the Marvel universe and those of the DC universe, something similar to what happens between supporters of Coca Cola or Pepsi, McDonald's and Burger King, Apple and Microsoft and other commercial rivalries between top brands order.
Photos: iStock - yogysic / no_limit_pictures
Themes in Marvel and DC