The words ending in -ente they are generally nouns, adjectives, or verbs. For example: to Pentity, evidentity, foodentity.
Many of these adjectives derive from second-rate verbs or third conjugation by adding the suffix -entity. These adjectives are invariable in terms of gender, that is, they can be female or male. For example: presentity, efficiencyentity.
Some of these adjectives can also be nouns. For example: presideentity, intendentity. But in some cases for the feminine A can be used instead of E. For example: president, mayor.
Also, they end with these letters:
accidententity | evidentity | presentity |
adhereentity | excelentity | pressentity |
adolescentity | demandedentity | prudentity |
ambientity | expeditedentity | puentity |
apartentity | frecuentity | I receivedentity |
aumentity | implemententity | recipientity |
ausentity | imposeentity | appealentity |
calientity | impactentity | ruleentity |
coherentity | influencedentity | representity |
complementity | inherentity | sureentity |
condimentity | inocentity | serpientity |
gotentity | The mentity | excelledentity |
continueentity | nutrientity | smiledentity |
I grew upentity | heyentity | supplementity |
decentity | to Pentity | nounentity |
coolentity | pendientity | urgentity |
equivalententity | potentity | i livedentity |
clientity | frentity | mentity |
dentity | fuentity | meentity |
gaveentity | gentity | rentity |
entity | lentity | Yesentity |
burnedentity | fomentity | pacientity |
comentity | gerentity | presentity |
conscientity | inventity | I continuedentity |
ranentity | orientity | okentity |
foodentity | competeentity | I flourishedentity |
apartentity | differentity | fundamentity |
argumentity | efficiencyentity | the sameentity |
assistentity | stridentity | aloneentity |
non-stickentity | inconvenientity | practicallyentity |
oldentity | intermitentity | probablyentity |
effervescentity | materialmentity | nextentity |
especiallyentity | perfectentity | weeklyentity |
apparententity | necessaryentity | politicsentity |
immediatelyentity | permanententity | relativamentity |
luckydamentity | approximateentity | simultaneouslyentity |
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