These are some words that rhyme with "tamale": ancestral, cereal, colonial, cultural, exceptional, great, winter, nopal, original, traditional(consonant rhymes); activity, lunch, city, listen, happiness, guardian, humility, ever, novelty, popular(assonance rhymes).
Is named rhyme to the relationship between two words that end phonetically the same. For two words to rhyme, the sounds from their last stressed vowel must match.
Rhymes are resources that are used in some poetry, sayings, songs and odes and can be of two types:
actto the | dinerto the | integratedto the |
ancestorto the | documentto the | winterto the |
anuto the | emotionto the | locto the |
craftto the | specito the | cornto the |
banto the | estivto the | mto the |
bananto the | exceptionto the | nationto the |
cabto the | festivto the | nopeto the |
casuto the | endto the | originto the |
cereto the | frugto the | personto the |
colonito the | fruitto the | principleto the |
comensto the | genito the | reto the |
tradeto the | guacto the | rituto the |
continentto the | habitto the | sto the |
cordito the | SDIto the | sisto the |
cristto the | iguto the | socito the |
cultureto the | individualto the | totto the |
frontto the | informto the | traditionto the |
activitytod | scholtor | humbletod |
plusás | I heardtor | jamás |
adversidtod | spectacletor | jugtor |
lunchtor | excusetor | I regrettor |
welltor | easytod | localitytod |
bondtod | falsedtod | novedtod |
I looked fortor | congratulatetod | popultor |
qualitytod | festivetod | maybeás |
amounttod | frialdtod | realidtod |
centor | generosidtod | refrán |
citytod | greattod | regulationtor |
communitytod | gravedtod | Healthtor |
conttor | guardián | securitytod |
behindás | skilltod | serenitytod |
doubttor | hogtor | seriedtod |
edtod | honestytod | sociedtod |
angrytor | wettod | truetod |
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