In Spanish, the words that start with hip- they are quite frequent. For example: hipotheses, hipnotify, hiptense.
Among them, you can find:
It should be noted that many of these terms are formed by the compositional elements hyper- e hypo-, which mean respectively "in excess or in more quantity than normal" and "shortage of or under". For example: hipersensitivity, hiperrealism, hipocaloric, hipoacusis.
hipalage | hipsustaining | hipocratic |
hipar | hipertension | hipochery |
hipactivity | hipertensive | hipocrite |
hiperactive | hiptense | hipOdermic |
hiperacusia | hipethermia | hipodermis |
hipérbaton | hiptext | hipracecourse |
hipberbole | hipertextual | hipophysis |
hiperbolic | hiperthyroidism | hipfunction |
hiperbolize | hiperthrophy | hipogastric |
hiperboreal | hipertrophy | hipogenic |
hipercaloric | hiperuricemia | hipogeo |
hiplink | hiplink | hipoglycemia |
hipyou are space | hipevitaminosis | hipogriff |
hipyou are esthesia | hipico | hipology |
hiperesthetic | hipgone | hiponym |
hipfunction | hipnosis | hipoplasia |
hiperglycemia | hipnot therapy | hipopotamo |
hiperluminic | hipnotic | hipbear |
hipermedia | hipnotice | hiposstasis |
hipermenorrhea | hipnotist | hipothalamus |
hipermarket | hipnotification | hipotaxis |
hipermétrope | hipnotifier | hipoteca |
hipermetropia | hipnotify | hiplook out |
hiperonym | hipor | hipotecario |
hiperparasite | hipoacusis | hiptension |
hiperplasia | hipor allergenic | hipotenso |
hiperrealism | hipocaloric | hipotenusa |
hiperrealistic | hipofield | hipothermia |
hipsecretion | hipocentro | hipothesis |
hipersensitivity | hipochondria | hipotetic |
hipersensitive | hipochondriac | hipothyroidism |
hipersonic | hipochondrium | hipotonic |
hipersustation | hipocoristic | hipoxia |
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