In Spanish, there are many words that contain a vowel before C. For example: action, ecography, icor not, octubre, Ucrania.
Although there are not many words that contain a vowel followed by the C in the same syllable (for example: ac - you - you), there are several words that contain these sequences but in different syllables (for example: e - cues - tre).
acencom | activity | ictertiary |
acallar | acthe | octo |
acshut down | acudir | ocassion |
acartonado | acsane | ocaccidental |
acgive | aca R | occipital |
actransferability | aca R | ocho |
accease | acuoso | ocio |
accrate | acuse | oclusive |
aceite | ecinjurious | ocre |
aceptar | economic | octagon |
acstraddle | ectoplasma | ocupa |
acetona | ecuacion | ocurge |
aclarar | Ecuador | ucgrab |
acto accommodate | iceberg | ucayalino |
acaccompany | icon | uced |
acadvise | iconicity | ucgum |
acopiate | icor not | Ucrania |
acget used to | iconoclast | ucronia |
acaricar | activar | acgone |
actitude | acertar | acorder |
acThe portion | acgive | acoger |
actions | acento | accident |
ecor | eczema | ecloss |
ecumene | eclipse | ecualizer |
ecwill | ecology | ecunite |
icon | Icring | iconoclast |
iconos | iconoclasm | iconographic |
iceberg | iconicity | ictertiary |
ocaso | oceano | ocurge |
octubre | ochava | occorn |
ocupar | octavo | octeto |
ocluir | ocultar | oculista |
ucranian | ucgum | uchu |
ucgrab | ucayalino | ucronia |
uced | Ucrania | uci |
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