50 Examples of Words with the Prefix auto-
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Auto prefix
The prefix auto- indicates that the action is carried out by oneself. For example: caradhesive, carreview. This prefix is also used in reference to everything related to a vehicle or automobile. For example: cartrack, carmovie theater.
How is this prefix used?
This prefix is used in verbs with a reflexive value. But the vast majority of these verbs do not support the use of the complement "se".
For example: The player I knowself-incriminated for the defeat of his team. In this example the complement "se" and the prefix auto- are redundant. The correct way would be: The player blamed himself for the defeat of his team.
However, the Royal Spanish Academy accepts the use of the prefix auto- together with the complement "se" when you want to emphasize that it was the same person who performed a certain action.
For example: The offender is carinjured. In this case, there is no doubt that the offender in the example caused the injury to himself. It would be different if we expressed:
The offender was injured before being caught, since in the latter case the sentence does not inform us if the injury was caused by the same offender or was caused by another person.Examples of words prefixed with auto-
- Self-acceptance: Accept yourself with strengths and weaknesses.
- Self-adhesive: Surface that sticks by contact with a small pressure.
- Self learning: Learning system where the student has all the means to incorporate knowledge without the need for a tutor or teacher.
- Self-taught / self-taught: Self-learner.
- Self help: Generally refers to self-help groups that help themselves.
- Autobiography: It is a biography written by the same person.
- Self-censorship: Person who censors their own ideas or actions.
- Convince yourself: Convincing yourself of something specific.
- Automatic: Referring to something that is done by itself.
- Self-summoned: People who meet for a specific purpose.
- Self-criticism: Criticism of himself.
- Self defense: Self defense.
- Self-design: These are preset design patterns.
- Self-edit: It is to compose or print texts on a personal computer.
- Self-esteem: Own estimate.
- Self-financing: Financing that a company does to itself
- Autogiro: It is an aircraft that has two propellers
- Autograph: Written written by an author in his own handwriting
- Self-image: The image that a person perceives of himself
- Self-medicate: Medicate yourself without a doctor's consent
- Autonomy: Faculty that a person has to act according to their own criteria
- Self-propelled: It is a movement that is achieved by the driving force itself.
- Autopsy: An exam performed on the body (human or animal) to study the organs in order to find the cause of death.
- Authorize: Allow someone the right to do a certain thing.
- Self-sufficient: Person who is self-sufficient.
- Self-improvement: Person who surpasses himself.
- Autotroph: It is an organism that has the characteristic of making its own organic matter from inorganic matter to nourish itself.
- Eigenvalue: Value that a person believes or feels that they have.
Examples of words with the prefix car (referring to the car)
- Bus: Automobile vehicle that has the capacity to transport a large number of passengers.
- Racetrack: Site that is intended for car racing.
- Carwash: Establishment dedicated to car cleaning.
- Automatic: Regarding the wheels of the car.
- Drive-in movie theater: Open-air cinema attended by a vehicle.
- Automotive /automotive: Mechanical traction vehicle.
- Motorist: Who drives the vehicle.
- Highway: Road or highway on which vehicles travel at high speed.
- Dual carriageway: It is a concept similar to the highway but it is designated as a means of communication between different towns.
- Driving school: School to learn to drive.
- Self-savingAlthough the term can refer to personal savings, it is used to indicate an automotive savings plan.