15 Examples of Metallic Bonding
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
The metal links They are a type of chemical union that occurs between atoms of the same metal. Through these links, very compact structures are achieved, since the nuclei of the atoms they get together so much that they begin to share their valence electrons. For example: bonds between aluminum atoms.
These valence electrons remain around the set of nuclei as in a kind of cloud and the attraction between their negative charges and the positive charges of the nuclei is what holds the whole firmly United.
In this way, the metallic bond is a strong and primary atomic bond, which can only occur between atoms of the same species and never as a form of the alloy (mix of metals). Nor should these types of links be confused with ionic or the covalent, although with the latter it can share certain aspects since the atoms involved share their electrons to a certain extent.
Properties of metallic bonds
In the metallic bond the electrons they move in a "cloud" around the atoms, which are closely bound together. Thus, the properties of metallic bonds justify many of the characteristic properties of metals, such as the solidity and hardness of their materials, their malleability and
ductility, her good driving from hot Or the electricity and even their luster, since they return almost all the light energy that hits them.The atomic particles Joined by these links, they are usually organized three-dimensionally in hexagonal, cubic, or many other shapes. Mercury, for example, is liquid at room temperature, and atomic bonding occurs through different mechanisms and allows the formation of perfectly round drops of this metal.
Examples of metallic bonds
Metallic bonds are extremely common in the atomic world of metals, so any pure metallic element is a possible example:
- Links between silver (Ag) atoms.
- Bonds between gold (Au) atoms.
- Bonds between cadmium (Cd) atoms.
- Bonds between iron (Fe) atoms.
- Bonds between nickel (Ni) atoms.
- Bonds between zinc (Zn) atoms.
- Bonds between copper (Cu) atoms.
- Bonds between platinum (Pt) atoms.
- Bonds between aluminum atoms (Al).
- Bonds between gallium (Ga) atoms.
- Bonds between titanium (Ti) atoms.
- Bonds between palladium (Pd) atoms.
- Bonds between lead (Pb) atoms.
- Bonds between iridium atoms (Go).
- Bonds between cobalt (Co) atoms.
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