10 Examples of Introductory Paragraphs
Miscellanea / / November 09, 2021
Introductory paragraphs
The introductory paragraphs are those paragraphs in which it is stated what is the central theme of a text and how it will be approached. These paragraphs are usually at the beginning of a text and are found in academic texts, journalistic, critics, among others.
A paragraph is a unit of a text that is made up of one or more sentences, beginning with a capital letter and ending with a new paragraph. The introductions they can cover a single paragraph if they are in short texts or they can cover more paragraphs if the text is very long.
The purpose of these paragraphs is to provide information on the central topic and to grab the reader's attention to continue reading the text. To achieve this goal, there are different types of introductory paragraphs that have different strategies for introducing a topic:
Examples of introductory paragraphs
- Architecture is considered an art by some and a construction technique for specific purposes by others. In this work, both positions and their justifications will be analyzed. In addition, other positions that maintain that architecture is a hybrid because it is an art, a technique and a science, will be analyzed. Finally, it will be mentioned what was the social function of architecture in different times. ( synthetic introductory paragraph)
- On my last vacation I went to a beach, which is a tourist destination that attracts millions of people every year. The area where people rested was beautiful and very well organized. But one day I walked south, I got away from the most touristy sector and I saw that there was a lot of garbage on the beach. This made me reflect on the importance of reducing garbage and on the pollution that people generate in the environment. (introductory paragraph with anecdote)
- The novel by the Mexican writer was the most awarded of the year. The great merits of this literary work are the construction of the characters, the ending (which has an unexpected twist), the style and the representation of the time. Furthermore, this writer is considered to be the best of her generation. (declarative introductory paragraph)
- "I only know that I know nothing" were the words of a renowned philosopher. At this time, from the epistemological approach, he reflects on how knowledge is produced, when knowledge is valid and why at some point it leaves if so, on the importance of recognizing that knowledge is a production and not a determining truth and on the limits of theories and hypothesis. (introductory paragraph with quote)
- How is a taxonomy established? For example, what characteristics are taken into account to classify animals or stars? Can those classifications change over time? This essay seeks to explain the principles for establishing classifications. For this, examples of classifications of different scientific areas and some modifications that they suffered with the passage of time will be included. (introductory paragraph with questions)
- Many people believe that the choice of sunscreen factor only depends on how much a person wants to tan. However, it is not the only aspect to consider, as UV protection prevents people from getting skin cancer, blemishes, burns and more wrinkles. (introductory paragraph with correction)
- There are two elements that have improved the health situation of people worldwide: hygiene and vaccines. Vaccines are preparations that have eradicated diseases in many parts of the world. For example, the first vaccine was made at the beginning of the 20th century to combat avian cholera; in 1953 a vaccine was made to combat a pandemic, poliomyelitis; and in 1969 the rubella vaccine was created. Since these vaccines have been around, almost no person has contracted these diseases. (introductory paragraph with context)
- Users of a language constantly use neologisms, that is, new words. Neologisms can have different origins, for example, they can come from other languages, they can be invented by someone or by a community or they can arise by composition or derivation. In this work, it will be mentioned, firstly, how the incorporation and use of new words occurs and, secondly Secondly, it will be explained why some words are accepted and others not by the institutions that elaborate the normative rules of the Spanish. (synthetic introductory paragraph)
- Electronic voting is a voting system that consists of conducting elections with a machine instead of paper ballots and envelopes. This system has been implemented in many countries because it simplifies many counting processes. However, in many other countries they do not use this system because the authorities believe that it is not a safe method. (declarative introductory paragraph)
- Why are renewable energies so little used? Why are non-renewable energies still being used? Is it for an economic question? Are non-renewable energies an oligopoly? It is known that using renewable energy is better for the environment in many aspects, but its implementation globally has not yet occurred. In this article we expose the main reasons for the delay in its implementation. (introductory paragraph with questions)
See also: