100 Examples of Nouns Proper to Cities
Miscellanea / / November 09, 2021
Cities Proper Nouns
The proper nouns of cities are those that designate a particular city, real or imaginary. For instance: Athens, Bogotá, California, Springfield.
The proper nouns of places, or place names, are always written with a capital initial except when they are used as generic common nouns. In these cases, they must be used with a lower case letter. For instance: Your new assistant is worth a potosí. / This place is a modern Babylon.
Although the majority of place names are written in the singular, some that have a collective meaning are written in the plural. For instance: the Alps, the Bahamas. But there are also those with a lexicalized form of the plural but without collective value. For instance: Aguascalientes, Buenos Aires, Las Vegas, Los Angeles.
The nouns are words that are used to name or identify all the things we know: people, places, objects, animals, concepts. According to the type of object they denote, they are classified as:
Examples of proper nouns of cities
Adelaide | Guadalajara | Panama |
Alexandria | Guayaquil | Perth |
Antwerp | Hamburg | Potosi |
Amsterdam | Hanoi | Prague |
Arequipa | Hong Kong | Queretaro |
Assumption | Ibiza | Recife |
Baghdad | Inverness | Riad |
Barcelona | Sherry | Rome |
Beijing | Johannesburg | rosary beads |
Belo Horizonte | Karachi | Rwanda |
Berlin | Kingston | Saint Joseph |
Bern | Kuala Lumpur | St. Petersburg |
Bled | Havana | Santiago de Chile |
Brasov | La Mancha | Seul |
Brussels | Peace | Sydney |
Budapest | Lakes | Suchitoto |
Calcutta | Lilongwe | Taipei |
Cancun | lime | Tangier |
Caracas | London | Tel Aviv |
White House | Madrid | Tijuana |
Chicago | Managua | Tokyo |
Belize City | Melbourne | Toledo |
Cochabamba | Merida | Troy |
Damascus | Mexico DF | Trujillo |
Denver | Monterrey | Ushuaia |
Dubai | Montevideo | Utrecht |
Dublin | Nagasaki | Valencia |
Cairo | Nairobi | Verona |
Istanbul | Naples | Washington |
Stockholm | New York | Windsor |
Strasbourg | New Delhi | Xining |
Fez | Noumea | Jakarta |
Florence | Oaxaca | Yuba |
Ghent | Port | Zakopane |
grenade | Osaka | Saragossa |
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