Example of Words With R
Spanish Classes / / November 13, 2021
The letter r is the nineteenth letter of the Spanish alphabet, it is part of the consonant letters and can be found in almost any part of the word, both at the beginning, at the center and at the end.
The sound of the letter r is double, as it has a strong sound when it is capital letter and initial R, and in many words it sounds the same in lowercase "r", as in:
"Cordon off"
But also has a softer sound, that of "ere" that can be seen in:
Also, the letter r can be combined with seven different consonants to form words
And it is also written double, or it is combined with itself with the "rr", calling itself the sound "vibrant”Which is used in words like:
There is a last combination of the letter r, which is with kr and that corresponds to a foreignness that is partially accepted in Spanish.
Kremlin (apparently the only accepted word with this combination)
Historically the letter r has its origin in Egyptian hieroglyphics, apparently from a head figure, which directly represented the head.
The shape of this letter still bears similarity to a head in profile, where the small circle represents the head and the legs the neck, and when switching to the Phoenician alphabet, they turned it into an inverted letter p, something that returned to its original position when passing to the Greek.
Already in Greece it was modified with one more limb, since the letter p already existed and it was formed as the we know ourselves today but inverted, which turned to Latin and from there to Spanish.
Example of words that start with r:
![Letter R](/f/2584b17db77df3eeefed083bd6a4d5b6.jpg)
- Radish
- Rabel
- Rabbi
- Rage
- Rabbis
- Rabid
- Tail
- Taunting
- Tailless
- Rabona
- Tucked
- Rabones
- Streak
- Cluster
- Rada
- Radiated
- Settled
- Radican
- Filed
- Radio
- Radio
- Radiophonic
- Rae
- Burst
- Raffia
- Raglan
- Rable
- Threadbare
- Frayed
- Shabby
- Stump
- Raíste
- Root
- Riven
- Cracked
- Rala
- Grates
- Grates
- Grated
- Grated
- Grated
- Grating
- You grated
- Rallé
- Thin
- Branch
- Branch
- Bouquet
- Ramones
- Ramon
- Frog
- Ranch
- Stale
- Rancid
- Rancid
- Raque
- Reasonable
- Reasoned
- Reasoning
- Reduction
- They lowered
- Discounted
- You lowered
- Recess
- Rebels
- They rebelled
- Rebellious
- You rebelled
- Collects
- We collected
- Refinished
- Collecting
- You collected
- Net
- We redid
- They raided
- Raid
- Raids
- Re-read
- Revelation
- Rolled
- You wallowed
- Wallowed
- Revoke
- delicious
- rich
- Rin
- Wealth
- Delicious
- Dew
- Rome
- Romance
- Roman
- Romans
- Romeo
- Rubric
- Wheel
- Wheel
- Romania
- Rumi
Examples of words containing r:
- Cheapen
- Encompasses
- Spider
- Burning
- Burning
- Chipmunk
- Burned
- Arduously
- Hard
- Aron
- Article
- Ties
- You will tie
- Would
- Atoron
- Baradei
- Cheap
- Beard
- Bearded
- Boats
- Barge
- Wafer
- Barulla
- Shrimp
- Hulk
- Gnaw
- Rotten
- Carla
- Carlos
- Carlota
- Cereal
- Cervantes
- Brewer
- Beer
- Corals
- Coralline
- Corallites
- Dermal
- Dermatitis
- Dermatology
- Dermatologist
- They said
- They will say
- We will say
- Would say
- Would you say
- Tricksters
- Pharaoh
- Embezzle
- Embezzle
- Morning
- Marking
- Market
- Mercar
- Deserve
- You deserve
- They deserved
- You deserved
- Waitresses
- You will put
- Morelense
- Morelos
- Mormon
- Mormons
- Mortars
- go dead
- Death
- He died
- Tablajera
- Tablajero
- Tare
- Moron
- Morons
- Takes
- Delayed
- You took
- Late
- Very late
- Tally
- Card
- Card holder
- Tarot
- Cake
- Stuttering
- Stammering
- Stutterer
- Tensioners
- Tensioners
- Stubborn
- Thermally
- Thermal
- Thermodynamics
- Obstinacy
- Bullfight
- Tutors
- Tutorial
- Tutorials
- Tutorials
- Stranded
- Dipstick
- Male
Examples of words ending in r:
- Soften
- Plead
- Acetrinate
- to accuse
- Fine tune
- Bloom
- Drown
- Adjust
- Adjust
- Ally
- Relieve
- Raise
- Knead
- Amber
- Walk
- To age
- Appeal
- Stink
- To assign
- Associate
- Associate
- Attack
- To help
- Sugar
- Bacillary
- Bacillary
- Go down
- Swing
- Lance
- Cripple
- Pub
- Pounding
- Kissing
- Bevel
- Sketching
- Sketching
- Bolear
- Yawn
- To silence
- Sing
- Marry
- Dig
- Caviar
- Cedar
- Give
- Center
- To cook
- Take
- Eat
- Conculcar
- Defend
- Swallow
- Report
- Disband
- Spotting
- Evaluate
- Examine
- Exempt
- Exempt
- Issue
- Expel
- Speak
- Prevent
- Judge
- Machete
- Malting
- Embezzle
- Suck
- Stain
- Send
- Delicacy
- Mark
- Masar
- Chew
- Meow
- Maxillary
- Lard
- Undermine
- Mind
- Mercar
- Military
- Undermine
- Modular
- Muffling
- Frown
- Move
- Mutate
- To offend
- To pay
- Pellar
- to Salt
- Heal
- Mister
- Dream
- Sound
- Add
- Cover
- Tempt
- To wander
- Fly
Examples of words with double rr:
- Suburb
- To lease
- Work
- Race
- Careers
- Corral
- Corrales
- Cornered
- Slide
- Correspondence
Examples of words with cr, tr, gr, dr and fr:
- Cro-Magnon
- chrome plated
- Chrome
- Croton
- To create
- Croak
- Cream
- Chrism
- Crespa
- Twitch
- To bring
- Tragedy
- Drink
- Treason
- Costume
- Rag
- Trauma
- Train
- Gut
- Triumph
- Engrave
- Gram
- Great
- Grain
- Serious
- Flock
- Greek
- Gringo
- Gray
- Crane
- Adrian
- Barks
- Cidral
- Citron
- Andrew
- Scoundrel
- Burglars
- Thief
- Bark
- Tails
- Frigate
- French
- Flannel
- Sentence
- Fraud
- Scrubbed
- Fry
- Brake
- Strawberry
Examples of words written with two different r's:
- Shuffle
- Moderate
- Remedy
- Carpenter
- Barber
- Encompass
- Embark
- Pier
- Lock
- To pee
- Jam
- Destroy
- Deteriorate
- Infer
- Hang
- Masturbating