Example of Grammatical Antonyms
Spanish Classes / / November 13, 2021
All those words that belong to the same grammatical category and that nevertheless express opposite meanings or Opposites without being strictly different, even though they also belong to the same semantic field, they are known as antonyms. grammatical. Therefore, they are all those words that can be considered as the counterpart of the meaning of a noun or adjective. Although there is some confusion in this regard, mainly with morphological antonyms, we can say that grammatical antonyms are the great block that contains the latter.
The grammatical antonyms would then be any word that fulfills this function, either through any word or incorporating some prefix or combination of etymological roots. Antonyms are very useful in general language, so their presence is wide and important. Without them it would be difficult to refer to many things that we know.
50 examples of grammatical antonyms:
![Grammatical antonyms are words that share a category and express contrary concepts.](/f/d5b4946cd3fc16b65a8edb05ede826f2.jpg)
- Boring fun
- Get bored - have fun
- High Low
- Beautiful - ugly
- Soft hard
- Pretty ugly
- Quality - current
- Baldness - hair
- Complicated - simple
- Euphoric - FuriousĀ
- Happy - angry
- Cruelty - pity
- Tale - truth
- Give - take away
- Hang up - hang up
- Debt - payment
- Difficult easy
- Sweet salty
- Hard - flexible
- Push pull
- Happy Sad
- Fragile - hard
- Cold - hot
- Slim thickness
- Male - female
- Humidity - drought
- Implicit - explicit
- Interior Exterior
- Just unfair
- Long short
- Legal - illegal
- Light Heavyweight
- Rain - drought
- Luminous - dark
- Music - noise
- Boy girl
- No Yes
- New old
- Paper - pencil
- Perfume - stench
- Permanent - eventual
- Pen - lead
- Possible - impossible
- Radio TV
- Fast slow
- Sun Moon
- Triumph - defeat
- Useful useless
- Life - death
- Seer - blind