Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jul. 2016
The word conspiracy comes from the Latin contubernium and means alliance or pact with some illegitimate purpose. Thus, if it is affirmed that there is a collusion against someone, it is indicated that certain people have joined forces to harm another. It should be noted that this is not an alliance in the good sense of the term, but with a clearly negative purpose.
A disused cultism
The word conspiracy is normally used in a derogatory sense, since it implies that there is some kind of conspiracy or plot against a person, a institution or one nation. It can be considered that conspiracy is a cultism, because in the language Commonly there are synonyms that express the same idea and are used more frequently, such as plot, plot, conspiracy, conspiracy and others.
The Judeo-Masonic conspiracy during the Franco regime
In the history of Spain the term Francoism refers to the period in which the dictator Francisco Franco was in power after the war civil This period spans from 1939 until the death of the dictator in 1975). At the same time, the political regime that was established in Spain during this period is known as Francoism.
As is the case in most dictatorial regimes, the presidents implement a policy of propaganda and control of the media.
Thus, to manipulate the public opinion and diverting attention from the real problems, the Franco regime "invented" a series of enemies who tried to destroy the country. These enemies were the Jews and the Freemasons. And to communicate that these groups conspired against Spain, a very shocking term was coined, the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, and on occasions it was expanded with another threatening group, the communists.
In this way, those responsible for the Franco regime could attribute any real problem to the permanent conspiracy of Jews, Freemasons or Communists. The issue of conspiracy during the Franco regime continues to be debated today and there are basically two versions:
1) it was a invention or an exaggeration of the regime to manipulate the information and
2) in reality there was a certain conspiracy of some sectors opposed to the dictatorship.
Regardless of the historical interpretations about the conspiracy, there is an indisputable historical fact: Francisco Franco had a obsession personal against the Masons, who were considered the greatest enemies of Spain, even more than the Communists themselves.
Photos: iStock - FernandoPodolski / Lalocracio
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