Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2012
The word desire is a term that we use frequently in our conversations and most of the time we use it, we usually do it in two senses: to express the desire to do something, or for something to happen in our life, or on the other hand as a synonym for appetite and hunger.
Desire to do something or for a situation to occur
On the one hand, for express that desire or will to carry out something, or that a certain issue or situation finally happens. “I want to go on vacation so badly that I can't wait for December to come to do it. I want to study design and decoration next year.”
For this matter, the word win is one of the most popular that we use when we want to give an account of our desires, desires, regarding something or someone.
When in our life we propose some goal, for example, to make a trip, study a career, it will be essential that a series of steps be carried out to achieve it, in which the effort and the desire to achieve it must always be animating each stadium because that, without a doubt, will bring us closer to achieving it, otherwise it will be very hard.
If I say that I want to do this or that thing, or that an event takes place in my life, I must put a quota of action and positive impetus on my part to Achieving it because nothing is done alone, everything we want to do or want to happen also demands a predisposition on our part to make it happen Finally.
Of course there are things in life that make us want to take action more than others, and they are obviously those that we like, interest us, They produce pleasure, happiness, while those activities or tasks that seem boring to us, or we do not like them directly, make us want to put ourselves in March.
Ideally, have a Balance, because life implies a mixture of both situations, of things that we must do because they are part of life, even if they are not as entertaining as we would like, and then there are the others that we love to retaliate and put all the desire in them, but of course, the others also have to have the desire to be able to materialize.
And on the other hand, the term is also used as synonymous with hunger or appetite at the behest of mealsThus, it is common to express: "Juan has eaten dinner so eagerly that it surprised us all, since it is not usual for him to eat like this in despair.”
Meanwhile, it should be noted that the word in question is directly opposed to the concepts of lack of appetite and reluctance.
In the first, then, the state of affairs that will prevail is the absence of hunger of appetite before the imminence of a meal that is about to be served, or failing that, a stage permanent illness that may be due to some physical ailment or permanent illness that makes the appetite disappear.
A degradable situation closes the appetite, or a disease can reduce hunger
Normally when a situation negatively shocks us or makes us bitter, we tend to lose our appetite, although that lack of desire to eat is ephemeral and usually lasts not long until we recover from that fact unpleasant.
While the situation of suffering from a disease associated with feeding, such is the case of bulimia and anorexia, it is a question that is not easy to solve and always tends to demand intervention from a medical professional to regain the urge to eat.
Food is very relevant for the life of living beings, because survival depends on it, the capture of Energy Y force through the nutrients of the foodMeanwhile, the fact of not eating or doing it in a poor way will inevitably generate health problems for people who suffer from this situation.
And the reluctance, on the other hand, is the lack of enthusiasm that someone shows about a certain situation or event.
Such a state of mind may be due to a emotion That invades you because you have suffered, for example, an unfortunate event in your life, or it may be due to a particular issue that makes you want to do or see someone.
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