Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jan. 2012
The term dismissal is applied to refer to the act of removing a person from the position he occupies, generally due to negligent or corrupt actions, which of course have a negative impact on the good functioning of the space that he occupies.
Remove a person from the position he occupies because he does not perform according to
Although it is used in common parlance, it is used mostly in the context of politics to designate the removal of an official from his position, and can also be used in the workplace frequently when an employee is removed from the position that he occupied in a company, also the causes are linked to the poor performance of his functions that obviously affect the image and the development of the company. business.
The idea of dismissal always has to do with the fact that the person could have fulfilled their position badly and for this reason they must be removed from it so that another more suitable person can occupy it.
Often times, removal is carried out by violent or authoritarian means, but in each case there are methods and legal measures that are thought out in advance so that this action can be resorted to in case of being necessary.
Coups d'état and legal impeachment proceedings
On a historical and political level, the figure of impeachment has always played a very important role in societies.
This is so because on many occasions different social actors have resorted to it to remove from power inept, corrupt rulers but also rulers with whom one did not agree simply for reasons ideological.
In this sense, dismissal is usually exercised through violent methods such as coups, assassinations, illegal detentions, etc.
The coup d'etat is undoubtedly one of the most recognized forms in the history of politics when it has been wanted to remove a leader from his post, fortunately and as a consequence of the settlement of the democracy In most states, blows of this type are becoming less common, however in the past were known to be the most common way that the armed forces or revolutionary groups found to depose yet government in exercise and impose their own.
It should be noted that one of the characteristics of this type of procedures, which of course have nothing legal in their process, is that they are usually accompanied by violent actions, that is, the violence Physical weapons, are present in a great way and are the way in which the aspirants to power threaten and remove the rulers they depose from circulation.
World history knows many examples of all these types of situations, some more significant for historical development than others, but all just as real.
On the other hand, political dismissals have also been carried out by legal means such as example the political trial against those rulers considered corrupt or inadequate for the Market Stall.
The Brazilian case
Recently, in Brazil, an incumbent president has been removed by legal means, such was the case of Dilma Rousseff.
In 2016, Rousseff was removed from her post, after the vote held in Parliament decided it by an overwhelming majority; after her departure from her government, her vice-president, Michel Temer, assumed the position of president.
That is to say, Dilma was subjected to impeachment and was dismissed for having found her responsible for violating the law. law public budget and administrative misappropriation.
Suspicions of having participated in bribery maneuvers of the Petrobras company were also flying overhead, which are still being investigated by the Justice within the framework of the operation known as Lava Jato, which already has several politicians and businessmen in prison.
In either case, dismissal means a change of course, at least in terms of words, since the person who carries it out seeks to be one period ends and another begins with different characteristics (beyond the fact that in practice the reality may not be so easy to change).
However, dismissal can occur in all areas and so we can also talk about it at the work level, when a person dismisses from the position of him to an employee or even when a board of several people chooses to change whoever is in charge by estimating his ineptitude for the position.
Issues in Dismissal