Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2013
The banana is a herbaceous plant, which belongs to the family musaceous, and normally stands between 3 or 4 meters tall. Its stem is surrounded by the pods of the leaves and the fruit that results from it, which is a berry that It has the peculiarity of growing in clusters, it is widely appreciated and consumed in the world as food. It is popularly known as banana or banana.
It should be noted that the banana develops and grows in those areas tropical and subtropical such as the Himalayas, in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Africa and northern Australia.
On the other hand, the word banana is used to refer to the fruit of the indicated plant, banana or banana, which is characterized by being elongated and yellow in color.
Formally it is called Muse paradisiaca. This is exactly how the Swedish naturalist classified and called it Carlos Linnaeus by mid-century XVIII.
It should be noted that studies that were carried out later allowed decide the complex taxonomy that presents the
gender and that even involves various hybrids, which have a varied compositiongenetics.Without a doubt, the banana is the most consumed tropical fruit in the world and, as we said before, its appearance it is that of a false elongated berry that knows how to grow in clusters. When it is well ripe, its color is quite yellow and, on the contrary, when it is not, its coloration is close to green.
It is sweet and fleshy and very rich in: fibers, potassium, carbohydrates and vitamins A and C, tryptophan, which is an essential amino acid in nutrition of humans that helps fight irritation in the esophagus (heartburn).
It has practically no sodium and is low in fat.
Now, it is important to mention that compared to other fruits, the banana has a great caloric value as a consequence of the great presence of starch in its composition, although, those calories that it has are much easier to burn than those that we ingest from fats.
The banana is cultivated almost all over the world, in the eastern region of Asia, where they were born, but also in Oceania and in South America and in India which is its first world producer. While, Ecuador It is the country that exports the most bananas to the rest of the world.
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