Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2009
One term, many uses
The word pile has various uses in our language.
Creation of Alessandro Volta that transforms chemical energy into electrical energy
Undoubtedly its most popular use refers to that object that was created in the 19th century by Alessandro Volta and that serves as a source of Energy to operate various devices and appliances because it has the ability to transform the chemical energy on electric power. Remote controls for televisions, portable radios, cameras, and computer equipment music, among others, work thanks to the battery. The Italian physicist Volta created it and that is why at the beginning of the invention it was called the voltaic pile.
In March of the year 1800, Volta, announced by letter the discovery of him to the Roya Society and then after several reproductions of the creation would obtain the credits of the invention of him.
It allows the operation of equipment and appliances for daily use: remote controls, radios, cameras ...
The electric battery is the Format industrial with which the voltaic battery is marketed and we must say that it is a primary type device and the energy can be accessible through two terminals, known as poles, one of them is the positive pole and the other, the negative pole. Many of the everyday appliances require batteries to operate, for example remote controls for television sets, audio equipment, DVD, a discman, a walkman, a portable radio, among others.
Now, we must say that there are different sizes of batteries, AAA, which is one of the most popular and most used because the devices mentioned usually use them, or there are also smaller batteries such as the AA. These alkaline batteries have great power and also stand out for their long life.
Cluster of something
In its broadest sense, A pile is called the pile or accumulation that is made by putting a piece, a thing, a material, of which something consists, on another and another and another. For example, "I have a pile of laundry today"; “They sent me a pile of books to organize the new library”. "I have a pile of evidence to correct."
Piece containing water
That huge piece of stone or any other material, concave in shape and presenting a considerable depth where the water falls or is poured with different uses, it is also known as a pile of kitchen.
On the other hand, in a religious context, the term is widely used, since The baptismal font is that piece of concave stone with a pedestal that is found in most churches and whose main use is during the administration of the sacrament of baptism, since they are containers of holy water with which the future Catholic will be anointed. The baptismal font is a symbolic piece of the Christian religion that has a very long history, a situation that has generated that we have seen the most different forms and constructions of the same, of stone, of bronze, supported on some foot or support attached to them, cylindrical, polygonal. Originally the piles were huge, rectangular in shape and had a subsidence in the ground, while from about the 15th century on, they began to be built in a smaller size.
Town and district of the province of Buenos Aires in Argentina
And on the other hand, the term stack is the denomination that receive a locality and a party belonging to the Province of Buenos Aires in the Argentine Republic.
The province of Buenos Aires is administratively divided into more than one hundred parties and Pila is one of them.
Has a population of about more than three thousand inhabitants and is located in the east of the province.
We must emphasize that it is a town that most Argentines know because it is the obligatory route to those who go to the coastal district, where a good part of the inhabitants of Argentina usually vacation every summer.