Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in Jul. 2014
The word possession show the sense of belonging that a person has on a specific property. The sense of ownership can never be used by some people with respect to others precisely, because people are not a object but beings with freedom and dignity.
However, there are people possessive as the example of jealousy that suffers a great deal unsafety and mistrust in themselves.
Need to always be in control, for example in your partner
A person possessive He is dominant, that is, he wants to have control over his partner. You want to know what he does and with whom he relates. A frequent attitude of a possessive person is to call for telephone her partner to find out where she is.
To be possessive it is an insane and overwhelming form of affection that leaves the other without her own space. In personal relationships it is essential to establish clear limits so as not to fall into dependent or toxic relationships. That is, in loves that become pathological and that far from making a person grow they become a obstacle growth.
The problem of possessive jealousy
Jealousy possessive can be overcome but for this, the person has to take conscience of your problem and ask for help from the specialist to be able to establish changes in her attitude.
A person possessive in love he suffers a lot because he lives with the constant anguish of losing the person he loves. However, this attitude also produces a lot of suffering in the other who, feeling controlled, ends up gradually moving away. The essence of love is Liberty and not possession.
How to avoid being possessive in love?
1. First, cultivate the love towards yourself, that is, reinforce your self-esteem because when you feel good with you yourself also feel good with others.
2. Cultivate your lifetime in general, in its different facets: cultivate your family life, your relationship with your friends and also promote your own space.
3. Practice the communication assertive to bet on sincere and open dialogue to get to know your partner better and so that he can get to know you.
4. Think positive and put aside the dramatics of thought negative. Optimism feeds love from respect and confidence. Practice active listening.
5. Express your feelings in an open and sincere way.
Remember that healthy love has nothing to do with possession. Therefore, any person must cut any destructive link in a Relationship inconvenient.
Possessive Themes