Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2011
There are two well-extended uses of the term reputation, on the one hand, it is the opinion of someone or something and on the other hand, the word is used to designate the fame and prestige harvested or earned by an individual as a result of the activity that he or she carries out or for having starred in some shocking event, among others.
Examples: "Juan enjoys a good reputation among his teammates. My brother invited me to dinner at a restaurant which enjoys an excellent reputation. Sophia Loren is an actress with a very good reputation in her homeland.”
Opinion that someone has about another and the prestige and fame that is achieved as a result of a profession or a relevant event
It should be noted that the word reputation is not always used in a positive sense, it is also common that in ordinary language and in some contexts we use the term with a connotation negative, for example, in those cases in which people or certain places enjoy, for a certain reason, characteristic or situation that occurred, among other alternatives, of an importance that does not turn out to be very worthy of highlight.
Then, such a question x is very well known by the public opinion that is aware of the bad reputation of the place or of the person. “After the massive robbery, the beach hotel we stopped at last year no longer enjoys the reputation of yesteryear. His recent association with a criminal gang has made Juan no longer enjoy a good reputation among the residents of his neighborhood..”
The importance of having a good reputation
The building A good reputation takes time and is closely linked to the notion of coherenceIn other words, by being consistent in each of our choices and decisions, without betraying others or betraying ourselves, we will build a solid and unbreakable reputation.
On the other hand, destroying a reputation through a bad action or an incorrect opinion is something that can be achieved in just a few minutes.
So, for example, an activist in favor of the human rights can come for years and years fighting because the crimes of It hurts humanity be judged and at every opportunity that is presented to reaffirm such mission with facts and said, however, a Good morning, he transcends a dark business that he is involved in and then his reputation will seriously turn out. damaged.
Immediately, all that previous fight in favor of human rights will be minimized before the scandal, because the bad is what usually prevails ...
It is common practice that the media communication highlight the scandals and people remember the negative and bad things about someone, the good thing, as it is popularly said, has little press.
Public personalities are often affected by the invention of stories about their lives that are not are true, caused by people who do not want them, or who want to discredit them to obtain some benefit.
Normally these stories are disseminated as a campaign, being broadcast on a chain by the different media, to Of course, to spread negative information as much as possible and thus get more people to find out and repudiate the person who is the subject of the herself.
At the political level, it turns out to be very common that at the behest of elections, campaigns are mounted that aim to discredit and tarnish the reputation of a candidate who has a serious chance of being the winner of the election in question.
In the last US presidential campaign we have seen this situation very obviously, Donald Trump, using the negative information that made known about her rival Hilary Clinton and the latter doing the same with the scandals that were uncovered about the current president North American.
Bad reputation, a politician's nightmare
In Hilary's case, filtration Public information about the use he had made of his private email account for political purposes greatly affected his reputation, and Donald Trump as well. He was affected to a notable extent by the audio that was broadcast in which he was heard speaking in a very disparaging and sexist way against women
For a politician, who is one of the personalities who lives the most from his image, reputation is very important and you have to take care of it, for example, they hire image consultants and press officers who are in charge of precisely controlling that no inappropriate information is known or comes to light and that obviously ends up cutting off the career of their client.
Reputation Topics