Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Feb. 2011
The concept of residence is one that is applied to architectural constructions that serve as a home or as a space for people to reside in them.
For example, this concept can be used as a synonym for house, dwelling, domicile.
Construction in which people live or those destined for a specific purpose such as being elderly, tourists, diplomats ...
Residences can be highly variable from case to case, not only in terms of size but also in terms of the facilities they have, the place where they are located, if they share space with other residences or not, etc.
The residence is one of the most essential constructions for the human being since it is the space in which most of the time of life, or even the space in which one should feel more comfortable and at ease, with a place to relax but also to feel protected of environment.
The word residence can be used for any case of building architectural whose ultimate destination is to serve as a living space for a human being, alone, or with a family group.
However, to tell the truth, the term is used in common language to designate those homes a little more luxurious and spacious since the residence also gives the idea of convenience and comfort, two elements that many humble and unstable homes do not have. That is why when we talk about residence we imagine spacious homes in which basic services such as drinking water, electricity and gas are in conjunction with other more expensive services such as Internet, phone or cable TV. In addition, elements such as decoration are also important when it comes to giving the idea of residence instead of home.
The idea of residence then refers us precisely to that of a space in which the person resides voluntarily and by choice, usually applying touches of their own. personality about the property so that it is representative of her tastes and preferences.
There are different types of residences, the most common is the one that we mention as family home, but there are also residences intended for specific uses such as residences for the elderly, passengers, heads of state or diplomats, among others.
Live in a specific place and where she resides
The concept is also used to refer to the fact of living in a certain place. "Laura has established her residence in the city of Miami."
And the place where someone resides is called residence. "My residence is located in the center of the city."
Scholarships awarded to students or young professionals to practice their specialty, especially in the health field
On the other hand, to those scholarships that are awarded to students or young professionals, especially in the field of health, and whose purpose is to training and the learning they are called residences.
In most of the world, once the medical student successfully completes his career begins the stage of medical residency in which you will acquire training in a certain specialty. It is a postgraduate academic training that takes place in a hospital or health center.
The residency aims to train the doctor in the specialty he has chosen and will of course be framed in a study program that will include theory, practice, investigation and assistance.
It will be guided and closely supervised by professors and doctors from the hospital in question, who will evaluate you and will be the ones to determine that you are ready to exercise and leave the home.
At this stage, the physician will acquire practical training and experience you need to be able to perform effectively in your chosen field.
He will learn healing, preventive, and social techniques.
Also at this stage, the ethical values of the exercise of the profession, and the humans, very necessary, will be instilled. when it comes to containing family members and patients, especially when dealing with serious pathologies and complex.
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