Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2010
The term director It refers to that person who is in charge of the management of different spaces, organisms or institutions such as a company, a business, a company of theater, an educational establishment, a soccer team, among others.
Person who directs an organization, space or company with the mission of achieving the objectives that it sets
The main task of him then will be the direction, directing the personnel, or the individuals who are in his charge and guiding them in the best possible way towards the satisfaction of the set objective. It is on the director who will fall responsibility total activity I directIn other words, if things go well, he will be responsible and if they do not work out, he will also be responsible for it not having been the case.
The director will mainly guide so that each one of his directed ones get the best of themselves and thus contribute to the common goal.
Then, the director will be the one in charge, normally he works at the behest of a command-obedience relationship, orders, guides and arranges everything that must be done in order to achieve the objectives proposed in their task or entrepreneurship.
Conditions that the director must observe to be efficient
Now, we must say that to efficiently exercise this role, the provision of certain conditions such as: ability to leadership, charisma, respect and acceptance, authority in the matter he directs and that will be provided with a solid preparation, empathy, intelligence social, good character, serenity, among the main ones.
In other words, it is a big mistake to think that in order to be a good director it will be enough to give orders, or to shout to prevail among those directed by him; As we stated, specific and special personal dispositions are required to be a good director.
It is very important that when looking for a director, he or she complies with the conditions mentioned above, because without that preparation will be very difficult for the project or company to achieve its objectives, and this will not only be a detriment to the success of the company but will also constitute wear and tear and demand for the person who performs the position but does not meet the characteristics essential.
There is no single way to access this type of charge, in the public administration It is usually decided in a contest in which knowledge, experience and preparation are considered and evaluated, although seniority is also usually a determining factor, however, in In this case it may be that the person has experience and knowledge but lacks the personal conditions mentioned that are also very important to perform according.
Director of schools, companies, theater, technician ...
In companies the director is called Managing Director and he is the one who enjoys the highest authority as regards management and administrative direction of a company. Normally, the Director General has a body of directors who must report to him and who take care of the each area of the company, for example, a director of operations, director of credit, director of information, among others.
In schools, the role of the director is also very relevant since he is the one who is responsible for ensuring that students learn and that teachers effectively fulfill their role of teaching.
The school principal must have a special disposition when it comes to working as a team, that is, relating to teachers, students and parents to convey the objectives to be achieved, and also to be able to represent in a way that to institution educational.
Another type of well-known director is the Theater director, who is the one who will conduct, mount and orchestrate the assembly of a play, fitting between its functions, the unification of criteria and behaviors of production. The theater director coordinates all aspects of the play, costumes, lighting, acting and makeup, being the absolute responsible for the final product that will be put into scene.
And another very popular director is the technical director, which is that individual in charge of the direction, instruction and training of a soccer team. In addition to taking care of the training of his players, the manager must develop strategies to beat his rivals.
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