Importance of the Figure of Conscientious Objection
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The notion of objection awareness is relatively new to history of Man and basically has to do with the possibility of refusing to participate in any activity (especially public) if it is faced with the beliefs and personal convictions of the subject in question.
The relevance of this notion is that it has to do directly with recognizing the freedom of each person to determine their life without other forces invading and deciding for them.
The ability to refuse as a subjective right
We could locate the historical beginning of the figure of conscientious objection in the year 1789, the year in which the French Revolution and a great number of things would change from then on and forever in the West. Thanks to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, this revolution proclaimed the freedom of the person as one of the most important assets we possess. This freedom is understood as pre-existing and even allows the person to refuse certain obligations, such as being forced by convictions to be part of the army or to undergo surgery in the event that such medical intervention is opposed to the
religion that one professesObjecting by conscience means, in other words, that the person does not agree with the ideals that drive certain events or situations. It is a right that is considered part of the private and very personal sphere, for which reason it pre-exists and prevails. before any decision or power that the State, for example, or other forces wish to have over the individual.
A right that can sometimes become a problem for others
Conscientious objection is a vitally important right as it reminds us all that our mind, our convictions and our ideals are above what others want to impose on us. But this can certainly become a problem if the person refuses to collaborate or be part of activities that they oppose and that are intended for others.
A clear example of when this figure can become problematic is when medical professionals refuse to carry out certain practices that help the person suffer less (such as euthanasia) or that end the life of a fetus (in the case of abortion). Here, this legal element allows individuals not to take part in these activities but may conflict with the decisions of third parties.
Fotolia image: Eranicle, Sudok1
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