Importance of the Eukaryotic Cell
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Title of Professor of Biology
Eukaryotic cell is a complex and highly organized cell structure found in multicellular and some unicellular organisms. From plants to animals, fungi and protozoa, they are made up of eukaryotic cells, which act as fundamental units, making life possible for an infinity of species, and representing the most advanced and diverse cell type in terms of structure and function, being generated within them – among many other things – protein synthesis, energy generation and transmission of genetic information, also playing the most essential role in division, differentiation and even the existing communication between cells, facts that finally allow the constitution of more complex models such as the conformation of tissues and organs.
complex cells
A greater complexity at the cellular level therefore allows a greater performance in its functions, generating as a consequence the increased variability of options to which the cell can react, resulting in a broader range of outcomes evolutionary. In this way, some of the particular characteristics that give greater development to this type of cells are:
1) Presence of a defined nucleus separated from the rest of the cell by a nuclear membrane to contain the genetic material of the cell; 2) defined cell organelles, each with a specific function, such as the mitochondria, the chloroplast, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, and the lysosomes; 3) a complex cytoskeleton made up of a network of proteins that extends throughout the cell, giving it shape and support; 4) the ability to reproduce sexually through the fusion of gametes, which has allowed for greater genetic diversity and is an important way in which evolution can occur.
Evolution for greatness
It is estimated that eukaryotic cells arose sometime between 1.6 and 2.1 billion years ago, their evolution being a long and complex process, from which presumed to have been from primitive prokaryotic cells that established a symbiotic relationship with each other, giving rise to the formation of organelles cell phones.
As these new cells evolved, there were also changes in their structure and function towards greater complexity and diversity of functions. cells, developing at the same time a greater mobility and capacity for cell division, all combined with the genetic variability resulting from the processes of cell division and reproduction was creating the evolutionary matrix that has given rise to the other great kingdoms in which beings have been classified phylogenetically alive.
One of the most obvious consequences of the evolutionary power of eukaryotic cells is the ability they developed to transcend life. unicellular towards the conformation of tissues through a functional and systemic specialization, which in turn allowed the appearance of organs increasingly complex and their interconnection by means of devices or organic systems that make it possible to fulfill metabolic functions through on a large scale, making it possible for even the largest organisms such as elephants, whales and gigantic trees.
Organs, tissues and action
The understanding of the structure and function of eukaryotic cells, through studies such as physiology, organography and all other approaches to cell biology, has been fundamental for the determination of many of the biological processes that have made possible the various necessary phenomena for the existence of multicellular organisms, including the process of evolution and the relationship of relationships that may exist between the various species.
In the same way, this knowledge has also been the essential basis for the analysis and understanding of the processes of genetic mutation and the cellular alterations that can be generated, finding great applicability in the study of diseases caused by genetic alterations, and in cellular abnormalities such as tumors. cancer. Thanks to these increasingly profound ideas about the what and how of cellular realities, genetic engineering has also achieved move forward, like the pharmaceutical industry and all other areas that involve the observation, analysis and defense of one's life on the planet.
Herrero, L. S. L., & Ladrón, S. L. (2005). The origin of the eukaryotic cell. Biology magazine. org, (20), 2.
Velasco Martin, L. (2021). Gene editing systems in eukaryotic cells.
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