Example of a Joint Promissory Note
Writings / / July 04, 2021
A I will jointly note, also called joint promissory note, is a promissory note that is signed by two or more people and requires each member to pay the amount guaranteed therein.
This document must contain the data of each of the persons and their respective signatures.
The characteristics of this document are exactly the same as those of a simple promissory note, but in the payment they can There are differences that must be noted on the back of the document and are the way in which each parts:
- That any of the obligated parties can pay the total amount guaranteed with the document.
- That the amount be divided among the obligated persons in an equitable manner.
- Indicate specifically what is the amount that each of the obligated parties will pay.
In the event that one of the obligated parties pays the amount assigned to him, it will be entered on the back of the document for the corresponding legal effects.
If the obligated parties are jointly and severally, each of the obligated parties will be obligated until the payment is fully paid. debt and in the event that it reaches a legal instance, all the obligated parties will be responsible and must respond equally to the debt.
The joint promissory note can be made in a document extracted from a promissory note blog, but a special promissory note may be made for these cases, which is done explicitly in which the names of each of the obligated parties, the corresponding amounts and their signatures are added respective.
Example of a joint promissory note:
EXPIRES: October 10, 2013 For $ 1, 590.000.00
We hereby declare our duty and promise to pay jointly and unconditionally to the order of Juan Felipe Aragon Ramos on Mexico DF the day Thirty of the month of October of the year of two thousand and thirteen the amount of:
_ One million five hundred ninety thousand pesos 90/100 M / N_
Value received to our entire satisfaction, in the quality of a commercial loan.
The amount borrowed will have an interest Monthly from 3.8 % without the default of paying the interest that is caused by default due to the 4.2 %
We indicate as legal address the one located at:
Av. Camino real, # 4568 Iztapalapa delegation.
Mexico D.F a 16 from January from 2013
Juan Rrosa Ponce José Ponce Peniche
Signature Signature
Luis Mora Rodriguez
Click to create a promissory note online.