Example of Comparative Texts
Literature / / July 04, 2021
Comparative texts are those that show similarities and differences from each other. Said differences can be of one or several linguistic phenomena, both semantic or, even, in their syntactic construction. Depending on the training and the purpose for which the texts are going to be required, they may contain the most different features. marked or less marked, in this way it seeks to stimulate certain reactions in the people who are going to be endowed with they.
Comparative texts can be prepared under a series of criteria that facilitate the organization of oppositions, showing the contrast of one, two or more phenomena or objects of study. A comparative text is structured on the basis of relevant similarities and differences: form, content, context, consequences, results, tastes, economy, etc. This type of text allows a dialectical conclusion to be drawn from the differences expressed by the author of the text: you face two different positions to confront them and obtain an answer after analyzing the matter or matter.
For example, you can either take two books by a certain author or a saga, take the case of Harry Potter where the seven books that exist in the The magician's credits deal with the fight against Lord Voldemort, they have the same protagonists and they take place in the same physical space, but each of These books introduce or extract characters in their narrative and the actions performed in them are at different times, which marks two differences notable.
Use in everyday life of comparative texts:
Comparative texts have found a primary place among pedagogues, using them as the main tool in basic teachings for infants, also among children. larger schoolchildren, middle level education, and even in some fields of higher education, since the examples through this type of text achieve a better understanding and understanding.
The comparative text is used, then, to expose the differences, from different angles, theories, approaches or parameters, on a reality or two realities, stimulates recognition and reasoning logical. Thus, an example of the contrast of a single reality is the comparison between behaviorism and cognitivism on the phenomenon of language, where each approach presents its ways of conceiving it: as a verbal behavior that responds to affective or instructive stimuli, or a mental entity that organizes linguistic structures, respectively. Another would be when we compare two authors who have two own ways of studying a phenomenon.
At the same time, the comparative text, far from being just a very useful teaching tool, is also a support in more than one profession. Used by administrators, accountants and all those jobs that need to collect data to optimize production and profit, comparative texts will always note the differences that exist between a company or other. In addition, within daily life there is always a constant bombardment of marketing and this leads the public to, without want it, be exposed to this type of text and therefore compare them automatically without much reflection when respect.
30 examples of comparative texts:
- The book of the creation of the genesis and the book of the evolution of the man of Charles Darwin.
- Baldor's Algebra Book and Math Textbooks.
- The Christian bible and the Koran.
- The comparison between one brand of soda and the other with the same flavor.
- Text written in Japanese and one in Spanish.
- Text that talks about the Renaissance and another about the Middle Ages.
- Text that talks about the Independence of Mexico and another about the Mexican Revolution.
- Biography of Venustiano Carranza and the biography of Benito Juárez.
- Biography of Cleopatra I and biography of Cleopatra II.
- Text that talks about World War I and another text that talks about World War II.
- Text that talks about pastel colors and text that talks about primary colors.
- Text that talks about life on earth and text that talks about outer space.
- Text that talks about mammals and text that talks about oviparous ones.
- Text that talks about desktop computers and text that talks about laptops.
- Text that talks about the sky and text that talks about the sea.
- Text that talks about cars and text that talks about airplanes.
- Text written by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and text written by Inés Arredondo.
- Text written by Octavio Paz and text written by Pablo Neruda.
- Text of poems and text of stories.
- A Mexican novel and an American novel.
- A text that talks about the conquest of America and another about development in Europe.
- A text that talks about the dark age and another that talks about the golden age.
- A text that talks about the Mexica and another that talks about the Toltecs.
- A text that talks about abstract art and another that talks about pop art.
- A text that talks about rock music and another that talks about classical music.
- A text that talks about Vicente Fernández and another that talks about Mozart.
- A text that talks about internet search engines and another that talks about libraries.
- A text that talks about dogs and another that talks about cats.
- A text that talks about women and another that talks about men.
- A text that talks about the pollution of the sea and another that talks about the pollution of rivers.