Example of Specific Objectives
Basic Knowledge / / July 04, 2021
When we carry out an investigation or carry out a project, it is always important to know why we do it, what information we want to obtain and what our scope will be. Within a company it is also essential that we know where we are going and how we are going to achieve it, it is at this point that we must make use of the specific objectives.
The specific objectives are based on a general objective, which is the one that indicates the direction of our research or towards where we want to direct our project, However, we must be more "specific" about how we will achieve the proposed results, this is where the issue that corresponds to us today comes in. that, in order to determine the specific objectives, we must analyze what result we want to obtain in each phase and how we will combine all this to achieve the goals desired.
The characteristics that we must consider when writing our specific objectives are the following:
- Quantifiable or measurable
- Temporary, that is, we must determine a time in which they will be carried out.
- Realists, if not, we run the risk of being demotivated
- Challenge. The fact that they are realistic does not mean that it prevents us from growing.
- Strategic This means that they must be the support of the general objective, explain how we are going to achieve that challenge, and that they can serve as the way forward.
It is important to bear in mind that if we are talking about a company, the first step to determine the specific objectives is to know what is the nature of the business, what do you want to achieve or how far I want to go and then you must permeate those objectives throughout the organization, make sure that Your entire company is on the right track, in this way, all areas will know what the goals are to achieve and will be able to develop better strategies.
Examples of specific objectives
Objectives of a research or general objective project
Know the level of customer satisfaction at the Seafood restaurant "El pescador" in order to determine the areas where the customer considers that their service expectations are not met.
Specific objectives
Carry out a market research lasting 3 weeks in which a survey is applied to diners.
Carry out the coding of the surveys, locating the areas that require the most attention
Call a meeting with the areas that require an improvement in the service, in this meeting the actions that will be carried out, as well as the time in which they will be carried out, must be agreed.
Apply the improvements in the various areas, using a monitoring method to ensure that they are being carried out in the correct way.
One month after applying the improvements, carry out another market research to find out if the strategies used have had the desired impact.
Specific objectives of a company
Increase the monthly sales of the company by 30% during 2014.
Expand our points of sale, open 6 more branches this year.
Increase productivity by 50% within the company.
Another example of specific objectives
General objective
Increase milk production within a dairy farm.
- Specific objective number one. Find a new supplier of feed for cows.
- Specific objective number two, to make the purchase of cows of another breed, which produces more liters of milk.
- Specific objective number three, purchase of milk extraction equipment (milking machines).
Another example of specific objectives
General objective
Lose weight and “shape my body”.
- Specific objective number one, reduce consumption of junk food.
- Objective number two, eat a balanced diet, and continue it regularly continuously for at least a year.
- Specific objective three, running 4 kilometers every day.
- Specific objective four, go to the gym and perform exercise routines, three times a week.
Following various processes, the specific objectives that will lead to the completion of the main objective are achieved.