Example of Underdeveloped Countries
Geography / / July 04, 2021
In the Social Sciences the concept of “underdevelopment”, to point out the differences that exist between countries, from the measurement of some variables such as their level of development in the productive forces and the ability to access services by the inhabitants of the country.
Economic characteristics of underdeveloped countries:
![Social infrastructure in underdevelopment](/f/a08428d72a7220b1c33c944318531e91.png)
Primary economic activity. The main economic activity in underdeveloped countries is the production of primary goods, specifically those related to agriculture. Production levels are low compared to the world average. For this reason it is difficult to satisfy the primary needs of the population. In addition, income from farmers is low.
High corruption. Sometimes the rulers benefit through public policies to some industrial sectors, especially if they detect that Other countries will require certain products, however, the income generated by that is not reflected in society by the indices of corruption.
Lack of employment. Employment is very low, as a large margin of the population does not have it and lives from part-time jobs or the informal economy.
Informal commerce. Their trade is generally informal and internationally they tend to be at a disadvantage.
Social characteristics of underdeveloped countries:
![Transportation in underdevelopment](/f/9ec9ef3622dfb7628d5bdc7d9d8d57ee.jpg)
Low income. The “per capita” income (unit used to measure income by country) is very low compared to the rest of the advanced countries. For this reason, there are low levels of food indices, life expectancy and infant mortality.
High crime. These conditions make some sectors of society fall into criminal actions to obtain higher income. There is a high crime rate that affects the country, since potential investors would avoid doing so in that country.
Low educational level. The educational level is low, so there are no professionals who can provide qualified labor for the country or abroad. Illiteracy rates are high so the aspirations of society are nil.
Bad medical and hospital service. Medical services are scarce, leading to outbreaks of epidemic diseases. There is no infrastructure for the provision of medical services and there is a lack of medicines.
Low shuttle service. Transportation services, whether land, sea or air, are low and even in some countries some of them are totally lacking. The road infrastructure has limitations and the logistics are inefficient.
government. The governments of underdeveloped countries have democracies classified as weak, there may be dictatorships, corruption, anarchy and impunity.
Poor justice. Justice in underdeveloped countries is often deficient, influenced by policies and external effects.
There is an index of overcrowding. These countries are overpopulated, an aspect that increases inequality and the shortage of quality food.
Origin of underdevelopment
![Cheap labor and maquilas in underdeveloped countries](/f/a0029f1ae3eba929e9cb70846a920e89.png)
Theoretically, this concept was developed in the second half of the 20th century, in order to clearly define the differences in behavior social, economic and political, between a center and a periphery, of a city or region determined for its study within the branches of science social.
In the event that an “underdeveloped” country seeks to belong to the group of developed countries, it will have to carry out a major economic, political and social transformation, some countries achieve those objectives; however, others end up accumulating debts leading to major crises.
Examples of underdeveloped countries:
- Afghanistan
- Bangladesh
- Burma
- Burkina faso
- Burundi
- Cambodia
- Chad
- Guinea
- Haiti
- Sierra Leone
- Liberia
- Mozambique
- Nepal
- Niger
- Pakistan
- Papua New Guinea
- Central African Republic
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- East Timor