Bird Characteristics
Biology / / July 04, 2021
Birds are animals that are cataloged in a sub-branch of the animalia kingdom. They are part of vertebrates but not mammals, the main features They are that they have feathered wings and legs adapted to grasp the branches, in relation to the legs, there are variations, such as the legs of eagles that were adapted to hunting, those of the webbed, which are made to propel themselves in the water and that of large birds such as the ostrich that is adapted to support their great weight and to walk large distances.
The oldest trace found of a bird as such, dating from approximately 150,000,000 years, was called Arqueopterix lithographica (ancient wing carved in stone).
This fossil was considered the link between the flying reptile and the birds that we know today.
Currently the birds have been reclassified according to some of their qualities:
- Paleognathae (they are those large flightless birds)
- Neognathae (they are the gallonserae like ducks, geese and swans) and
- Gallifomes (roosters, turkeys, pheasants, quail etc.).
Aspects and characteristics of birds:
In birds, we have as a distinctive feature that they have feathers; This regardless of whether they fly, are land birds or are water birds. Their diet is very varied.
Its main hallmarks are:
- Have peak
- Have feathers
- Two legs adapted to their respective environment
- Two wings, in arm position, which are properly adapted to fly.
Birds have the characteristic of having hollow and specially hardened bones, adapted to lighten their body and therefore, that they can fly.
The division of the birds can be established in:
- Insectivores
- Herbivores
- Granivores
- Carnivores (hunters)
- Scavengers (feed on spoiled meat)
- Omnivores (they eat anything edible).
The reproduction of the birds, is by means of eggs, which must be fertilized previously; The birds form nests, where they lay their eggs, and later they sit on them so that their high temperature allows the eggs to hatch and hatch.
For this function, in some species, both the male and the female sit to brood them.
A strange phenomenon occurs in the body of birds, their feathers become fluffy and their temperature becomes it rises above what it commonly has so that its temperature helps the hatching of the chicks.
The eggs are formed by shell, white (this is the one that forms the chick) and yolk; The latter is a source of food that the chick has for its subsistence during its stay in the shell.