Promotion Letter Example
Cards / / July 04, 2021
A promotion letter It is a document that communicates, either a request by a worker or a resolution by the company or institution.
Thus, in the first case, an employee can request his job promotion by means of a letter, which must be done formally and in respectful language.
In the second case, it is the company that formulates the corresponding promotion and channels it; the promotion letter has a simple structure and is usually written by the department of human resources, although it can also be done by the direct boss of the person to be ascend.
It is used as recognition and to inform in writing about the new position that the worker will have, as well as if to congratulate him for this fact and for his excellent work as an employee, which makes him a creditor of said position.
Example of a promotion letter communicated by the company:
Ing. Alberto Tinajero Urrutia
Warehouse manager
Aceros y Estructuras del Centro S.A.
Juan de la Barrera # 25 Col. Niños Héroes, México D.F.
Mexico DF. October 29, 2012.
Ing. Tinajero, hereby I am pleased to notify you that for your excellent work, performance, punctuality and solidarity with the company, He has earned a job promotion, since he will now be Assistant Warehouse Manager as of November 1 of the month in course.
I also inform him that from that date he will have an increase in the salary he receives monthly, which he will have an increase of 15% before taxes, an amount that he will also apply to his general benefits and vouchers pantry.
I also allow myself to congratulate him for his magnificent work as an employee of this company and for his new position, in which I am sure that he will have a great performance.
Without further ado for the moment, I ask you to contact the manager of the area so that he can give you the instructions that are required for this purpose.
Rodrigo Torres Fuentes
Human resources manager.
Example of a promotion request letter:
Textiles latinoamericana S.A de C.V
C. head of human resources
The undersigned, Noemí Martínez Jiménez, I am writing to you, to make a formal request in order to be promoted to the position of cut designer, so that I can continue my rising career in this business.
I am currently in the layout department where I did the cut layout work, a job I performed optimally for three years.
This is because I have received my updates and in particular I have been studying cutting, making and designing clothes.
Waiting for the prompt and favorable response from him, I say goodbye not without first thanking you in advance.
Noemí Martínez Jiménez
Example of a request letter for a seniority promotion:
National Judiciary Institute
C. Director of studies
The undersigned, Jacobo Tango Renguee, I am writing to you, with the purpose of directly formalizing my ascent to the position of secretary, Due to the fact that I have completed my three years of seniority and in accordance with said regulations, I can request my promotion by examining opposition.
For this purpose I am writing the following to be listed for said exam and to be able to ascend properly.
For this purpose, I present my credentials and the present written request, waiting to be approved for the next assignment of extraordinary opposition exams and have the position of secretary of agreements for the next period labor.
Because I have complied with all the updates and have submitted a 9.5 GPA, I am a direct candidate for promotion.
Waiting for the prompt and favorable response from him, I say goodbye not without first thanking you in advance.
Jacobo Tango Renguee
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