Sample Cover Letter With Personal Data
Cards / / July 04, 2021
Is cover letter with personal data, is practically the same as a common cover letter, but it clearly explains the knowledge or skills you have, and focuses your attention specifically on the data personal.
Example of a cover letter with personal data:
Mexico DF. August 2, 2012
Walxax S.A. de C.V.
C. Chief of staff
C. Chief of staff, signed by Marcos Rodríguez Cano that with this letter I present myself in the particular, for which I enter my personal data and a summary of my studies, abilities and experience.
I have a clear intention of starting to work in this renowned company, and in this interest, I present my data:
My name is Marcos Rodríguez Pérez, I am 26 years old and I am from the state of Mazatlán Sinaloa. I reside in the Federal District since June of this year.
I have high school studies, in the "state school" with an average between 8.0 and 8.5
My address is Cito at Calle Malinalco number 25, department 16, Colonia Maravillas, Iztapalapa Delegation with the postal code 574562.
My phone number is 32 56 ** ** 23
My e-mail is [email protected]
Mobile 044-55 56 - ** - 63-59
Marcos Rodríguez Pérez
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