Sample Letter of Application to Join a Society
Cards / / July 04, 2021
In the letter of application to join a company, the interested party expresses his intention to join a company, It turns out to be a requirement that some societies ask to be able to join members, especially when the procedure is administrative.
The structure can change being more a letter than a profession or something similar, using the structure of the formal letter
Sample letter of entry to an artisan society:
Application for admission
Asociación de Artesanos de México S.C.
Mexico City, January 19, 2015
Through this channel, I allow myself to state that my union of artisans in the state of Hidalgo, wants to be part of this association, having the formal intention of entering the Asociación de Artesanos de México S.C. and be part of this association and thus contribute with our contributions and receive the benefits that this association gives us.
We hope to receive from this great association training for trade, manufacture and acquisition of materials, which are necessary for us to make handicrafts.
We hope to meet all the requirements that are established for us and be part of this association in the best time.
I Francisco Terreros Zapata, as a representative of the artisans of the state of Hidalgo, have been selected as legal representative and I will send the necessary documents to enter the association and bring their own products.
Thanking you for your attention, we reiterate our respects.
Francisco Terreros Zapata
Example of application to join the parents' association:
January 04, 2016
H parents' association
By means of this letter, I request that I be granted admission to that association as a father and on behalf of my three children, who There are three different schools, Párvulo S.C preschool, Carrasco S.C math school and Corraleja Bachillerato S.C.
My intention is to protect the professional and educational morals of the best, watching as a parent that the education and morals of the educational personnel is adequate so that they have an ethical formation, clean of depravities and with the appropriate values to form good citizens.
Thus, because I have the necessary requirements, I present my direct intention to enter this civil institution.
Maria Rodriguez Salazar
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