The functional groups are: alcohol, ether, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acids, ester, amines, amides and halogenated compounds.
The functional group es the group of atoms that characterize a chemical function and that have well-defined characteristic properties. Example: the acid taste of lemon and vinegar is due to the presence in the structure of the carboxyl group -COOH.
Functional groups and nomenclature.
Alcohol | Radical-OH |
Acid | Radical- H (Ability to donate protons) |
Carboxyl | Radical-COOH |
Aldehyde | Radical-COH (In intermediate carbon) |
Ketone | Radical-CO-Radical (In terminal carbon) |
Amine | 1,2 or 3 Radicals- NH3.2 or 1 |
Ether Halogenated Compounds | Radical-O-Radical, Halogen-Carbon (Chlorine, bromine, fluorine) |
Ester | OR ll R1 - C - O - R2 |
Amide | OR ll R1 - C - NH2 |
Alcohols: The o in the name of the abano is replaced by ol, which is the characteristic termination of alcohols. For example: Methanol.
Carboxylic acids: The ending ico is added to the name of the alkane, or the o at the end of the alkane is deleted and the ending oico is added.