Sample Proof Of Expenses
Accounting / / July 04, 2021
A proof of expensesIt is a document that tries to certify or ratify the realization of an expense by a person who is dependent on an institution.
This can be applied to people who work in a company in which they are granted per diem, and as the consumption of said per diem is found in the expenditure of the company, the employee must present a proof of expenses, which will allow to know what is the expense made and the proper use of said capital economic.
It can also be applied to scholarship students, who must in some cases justify the expense of the scholarship money.
Example of proof of expenses:
National Heroes School S.C
Place and date: Mexico City, January 24, 2013
Concept: Acquisition of dissection equipment with a total cost of 2,500.00 pesos.
Amount: TWO THOUSAND FIVE PESOS m / n 50/100
Charge to account number:56984532 Of the National Credit Bank on behalf of the Colegio Héroes Nacionales S.C Becarios.
Student's name:Ashley Becerril Gutierrez
Address:Calle Unión de Fuerzas No 365-16, Colonia Jiquilpan Estado de México, ZIP 56892
Total: 2500.00
Prof. José Becerril Juárez C.P Josefina Montes Cano
Signature Signature
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