Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2010
It is popularly known as fasting to that act of voluntary abstention from eating all or some type specific food, and depending on the case, also fluid intake, over a period of time determined.
Voluntary or involuntary refraining from eating food for a specified time
Fasting can be carried out for various reasons, as a healing technique at the behest of naturopathic medicine, such as manifestation peaceful protest to achieve some social benefit that has not been achieved through the regular and official way, although the main and traditional have to do with religious issues.
Some religions use fasting as a standard practice in order to pay homage to their god.
They are usually established on specific days and those more orthodox practitioners strictly comply with the proposal.
Of course, a prolonged fast puts the health of any person at serious risk, although if it occurs in the framework of normal times, usually presents some health benefits such as: detoxification of the body of those harmful substances that accumulated, by cleaning the intestinal tract, unfailingly, digestion will improve, better assimilate the
nutrients, the aforementioned detoxification will favor the state of emotional health of the person, among others.Religious reasons, social protests
Returning to the reasons for fasting, in the case of spiritual and religious reasons, these are questions that have been practiced and defended since prehistoric times. In almost all the holy books, the Bible, Quran and Upanishad and with the differences of the cases, the practice of fasting is mentioned and defended as a fundamental part of the doctrine.
Obviously depending on the belief in question, fasting may imply the prohibition of sexual acts, masturbation and abstaining from ingesting some type of food group. For example, in the Christian religion, during the Easter and more precisely on Good Friday, the day on which Christ's death on the cross is remembered, it is forbidden to eat meat as a manifestation of the I respect to Christ for the suffering to which he was subjected for us.
On the other hand, in the case of the Jewish fast, it will occur at the behest of the Yom Kippur, together with the prohibition of drinking, bathing and having sexual relations; the fast begins in the evening and ends in the evening of the following day.
And as for fasting that presents motivations to demonstrate or peacefully rebel against any question or current provision, it turns out to be a practice that, although It is not new, in recent times it has become a widely used resource, especially by those who want to make their claims heard, whether personal or social.
Lack of understanding of something
Another recurring use of the term occurs when one wants to refer to the ignorance or lack of understanding of some topic or issue.
Condition that a patient is instructed to perform a blood test or other diagnostic practice
And on the other hand, at the urging of medicine, fasting turns out to be an essential condition when carrying out certain clinical studies or practices of diagnosis.
Among the best known and popular we must mention the blood test.
This type of analysis is one of the most common and indicated by doctors when they need to confirm any ailment in their patients.
Through it, various organic variables are analyzed that will allow the doctor to diagnose a disease.
In order for the analysis to produce reliable and compliant results, it is always recommended to perform it in the morning and on an empty stomach, depending on the variables to be applied. analyze you can request between 8 and 12 hours of fasting.
It is usually recommended to the patient that in the event of an analysis that requires fasting, he dines lightly and after nine o'clock at night he should not eat anything until after the blood test is done.
The fasting hours have to do with the mission of valuing in the best possible way the profile patient's lipid, triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels.
Health benefits of controlled fasting
There is scientific evidence in favor of fasting that maintains that performing it greatly benefits the body, helping in its purification, because the Energy Instead of being invested in the digestion process, it is channeled into cleaning the toxins present and thus healing the body and mind.
Fasting is also known to reduce the chances of diabetes, heart disease, and increased blood cholesterol.
Of course, the fasts to benefit us in the aforementioned conditions must be carried out in a controlled way, periodically and not constantly. And they should not be absolutely strict, incorporating liquids, and obviously the doctor should always be consulted first.
Of course, pregnant women, patients with type I diabetes and those with hypotension should avoid it outright.
The reverse is the breakfast that just refers to stop doing the natural fast after having slept through the night.
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