Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Guillem Alsina González, in Jan. 2019
The language interpreted JavaScript is constrained to the environment on which it is executed (the browser web) but, nevertheless, it has a highly expansive capacity thanks to the fact that it can interact with other tools, languages and resources.
One of these is jQuery, a tool which simplifies and facilitates the use of AJAX in a Web page, in the part of client.
jQuery is a JavaScript code library that contains commonly used resources for performing various tasks in the local browser, freeing the programmer from having to implement them himself, and standardizing its use.
It is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries (if not the most popular), facilitating a large number of tasks, such as creating AJAX applications, selecting DOM documents, creating animations, and managing events between other
The result of this is that we can design pages that present interactivity on the client side, in the browser.
Many developers have created plugins who use said library to address specific problems.
For example, and although we can develop a photo gallery based on jQuery, surely we can find several plugins that solve this issue, both paid and free.
The distribution of this library is carried out as a single code file, which must be copied into the / js directory of the server, and be called from the HTML file using the tag
So, for example, to call a jQuery function, we would perform the following action:
We could also have it uploaded to an external server and call it from there. Google provides an open location for use by any developer, just like WordPress. There are also variants for the realization of graphical interfaces of Username (jQuery UI), which contains elements such as menus, buttons, boxes dialogue, or sliders, and a variant for mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets, called jQuery Mobile. Fotolia photos: Graphiqa / Ngampol
Historically, the first version of jQuery dates from 2006, and the library has been distributed with a double license: MIT and GPLv2.