Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2013
In our language the word rush lets refer to that attack characterized by its violence. For example, this sense of the word has a recurring use in the military sphere, for example when it is necessary to indicate the onslaught of a troop or battalion against an enemy target, and also in those crime scenes where violence prevailed in the execution of the same.
It should be noted that although the word rush is correctly used when trying to express the situations indicated above, it does not have a current and habitual use in our languagecolloquial, being more used the wordassault, which is even one of its synonyms.
The assault is one of the most common crimes that are perpetrated in society and is characterized by the offender will seize someone else's property, the wallet, purse, the telephonemobile, the car or any other material good, which corresponds to another individual, making use of violence physical. He can neutralize his victim through a blow to some part of his body and thereby decimates him so that he cannot respond and thus get the loot, or failing him, he can use a firearm or a knife and with it threaten his target to give him those most valuable belongings that he has: money, jewelry, watches, among other
Generally, assault is a crime that attempts against the heritage of people and its main objective is to profit from the goods that are obtained. For example, it is common for the criminal who assaults a person and steals his cell phone, then sells it on the black market to obtain money.
Meanwhile, assault is one of the most dangerous crimes that someone can suffer as consequence of the use of weapons and violence by the offender who can seriously harm his victim.
The word that is in opposition is that of defending, which refers to the action of defending and which consists of the protection that is given to something or someone before the possibility or imminence of an attack, of damage.
The other use of the word rush allows to indicate that place by which the conducting line of a fluid joins with the main.
Issues in Rush