Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2008
A paradox tells us that we are facing an apparently true statement but that in reality also supposes a carcontradictionlogic that does not agree at all with what the common sense, that is, for those who are still scratching their heads with their index finger because the thing is not clear yet, a paradox is For example, that my sister has spent her whole life affirming and maintaining that she would marry a tall, skinny man with green eyes, when reality indicates the opposite of what he always maintained or proposed and that is that he fell in love with a short, robust man with eyes dark.
Of course, the paradox encompasses these rather frivolous and secondary questions, just as there are other paradoxes that suppose situations a little more decisive and important than this that I proposed.
Depending on the veracity or of the conditions that make them up, paradoxes can be true, those that only seem to be true, although in reality what they hold may be true or false
. Among these, the most representative turns out to be the birthday that he proposes: what probability there are two people who are in one meeting have their birthday the same day?Then there are those that are called true paradoxes, because they simply contradict each other, a clear and categorical example turns out to be the paradox of luck, which holds that it is bad luck to be superstitious.
And finally they are those that will depend largely on the interpretation what is given to end up being paradoxes or not. Usually, are based on ambiguous definitions and they are usually a resource literary of excellence adopted by many writers. Boixnet's paradox that he proposes: I think, therefore I exist, especially when I don't think, don't I exist? It is one of the most representative to illustrate the latter case.
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