Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jan. 2009
The term couple is used in many cultures to designate that person who has been chosen and with whom it was decided to share life, affectively speaking, that is, the one or that person with whom you want to form a family, forming part of the family plan not only the marriage or, failing that, only get together without the intention of formalizing the union in a civil registration, but also the fact to have children which are generally taken as the corollary of that union.
Indifferently, nowadays, my partner can be called that / that person with whom one was civilly united or the boyfriend / girlfriend with whom it is planned to get married. The union of two things or people with some purpose configures a couple. Thus, in some card games, two identical cards form a pair and the same happens with the sentimental bond between two people.
Although the word we are analyzing refers to any type of couple, we must take into account note that in everyday language the usual use of the term refers to the relationships sentimental.
Couple relationships
From a historical point of view, the relationships between a man and a woman are as old as humanity itself. As a general guideline, the human being has become emotionally united through a relationship between two people, but there are some exceptions to this rule (for example, polygamy in some of its forms).
From a legal point of view, the union of a couple must be formalized in some way (usually through the Civil marriage or religious and with a series of obligations assumed by each of its members). On the other hand, the union of a man and a woman in marriage is the foundation of another institution essential, the family. In the Christian and Jewish religion, Relationship it is based on the sacrament of marriage. In most religions the union between two people is formalized through a solemn act in which both parties acquire a commitment.
On the other hand, couple relationships are associated with diverse professions and activities. Thus, there are specialists in psychology and sexology who are dedicated to couples therapy and there are also specialist divorce lawyers.
On a purely emotional level, couple relationships can involve feelings opposites such as love and hate, jealousy, infidelities, betrayals and a long etcetera of passions of different nature.
Other types of partner
There are other forms of union between two people: in the dance, between two policemen (the famous pair of good cop and bad cop) and in some sports and games (for example, tennis, volleyball or certain types of arcade games).
From a philosophical and spiritual point of view, there are some currents that explain reality from two paired concepts (body and soul, yin and yang, love and hate, etc).
Themes in Couple