Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Apr. 2014
The concept of captain It is widely used in our language and is used in various contexts to refer to the individual who leads a group and as such is then in charge of organizing, directing, representing it and making the final decisions that concern the group on many issues. Meanwhile, in the military, nautical, sports, police and even in the underworld world it is common for us to come across this figure.
At the behest of the military, the captain is one of the most important ranks and degrees and usually has troops under his charge. He is in the middle of his lower lieutenant and precedes the older one.
Meanwhile, in nautical, as we already said, the captain will be one of the most popular and important characters because he is the absolute person in charge of the boat. All decisions that arise while in water will pass through him and he will also be the one who must respond to the requisition of the authorities.
His responsibilities include control of the ship, and if any difficulties are encountered, the blame will fall on him.
Also where this concept is very popular is in the sport, especially in those team sports in which it is necessary for there to be a player who is in charge of representing the interests and concerns of the group. Usually chosen by his peers and the director technician endorses that decision.
Traditionally, team captains have been those players who have a recognized trajectory on the practice, that is, veterans, or also those most prominent in the game usually are. To distinguish their position as captain, they usually wear a ribbon on their arms. For example, Diego Maradona, was during much of his activity in the Argentine national soccer team the captain of the team and he was chosen as such precisely because of his recognition football player and his career.
Then, the captain will have several responsibilities, among them: he will be the authorized spokesperson of the team in the development of the competence, will be the only player who can discuss or take a query to the referee of the game, will participate in the draw for the field of play or service, in the case that correspond, among others.
Themes in Captain