What does URL mean?
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
The acronym URL stands for Uniform Resource Locators, and it is the standard for identifying a certain element and its exact location on the Internet. Each element that is located in the WWW has its own address, which in computer language is called a URL. In this way, to reach a web page for example, you must write its URL in the space provided for this purpose in the browser.
URLs are case sensitive and cannot contain blanks. Keep both features in mind when you type an address in your favorite browser. Represents an address used to access jpg, gif, etc. files. or pages of the type php, asp or html.
When we declare about a URL we refer to an Internet network address and we present as a character string as standard to give you a nomination for certain resources of a network. All URLs can be seen in the address bar of the browser used. In addition, whenever we visit a Web page, it will have a URL and each time we click on a link that appears on a page, it will direct us to another URL.
There are several ways to indicate a URL and although the browser program generally incorporates the https://, we can type it without including it. The web pages of each document belonging to the WWW, have a unique URL address which is set with the name of the computer, the directory, the file and the protocol for the recovery of all the data.