Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in Dec. 2015
The section of poetry of bookstores and libraries shows collections of poems by famous and lesser-known authors who share their writings with the public through the publication of their works. Poetry is a gender less sold than the novel. The poets gather a selection of poems through the preparation of a collection of poems that they can publish through a book on paper or by Format digital.
An author can also self-publish his own collection of poems at the cost of financing the presentation of his work. This is the medium most used by those amateur poets who want to make their dream of being able to share their writings with the public come true. There are also many authors who send their poems to different publishers in order to find a medium that is interested in publishing the work and supporting the draft.
It is common that when a collection of poems is published, reviews of it are shared in specialized poetry magazines and blogs.
Selection of poems
The compilation of the poems that make up a collection of poems maintains a unity through the choice of a specific theme. For example, love. In which case, the author gathers lyrical texts that revolve around this universal feeling. It should be pointed out that the poems that make up a collection of poems do not have to show real events that have happened to the author, but that they can be a reflection of the poetic self.
When making a collection of poems, it is also advisable to write an introduction to provide the reader with the information he needs to enter the reading of the verses. It should be pointed out that a collection of poems can have different lengths, although in most cases, collections of poems have fewer pages than a novel.
There are many poetry workshops and literature in which the students share their poems in common, reflect on their feelings, perceptions and poetic reflections. In addition, when an author publishes a collection of poems, he also makes a presentation of the book that can be held in a bookstore that organizes cultural events.
Poetry contests
The best-selling books of poetry are those whose authors are famous. Many new authors try their luck in poetry contests since many of these contests for writers offer as a prize the publication of a collection of poems by the winning author. And this merit offers added value to the author's literary curriculum, in addition to giving a greater projection.
Photos: iStock - SrdjanPav / JuliaLototskaya
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