Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2014
The word plot is used in our language to name that conspiracy, secret agreement, that occurs between several people or groups and that has as purpose remove or put an end to an order or power in force. Although the plot has been an extremely recurrent action in the political sphere throughout history, the concept is also transferred to define any conspiracy of secret characteristics and that intends to take action against something or someone in any context.
So the goals of the plot may be overthrow a government or a ruler, take power away from a group or, failing that, do something with the mission of harming another who holds a place of privilege.
On the other hand, some plots may have the purpose of hiding certain data or information, that is, they are not armed based on to harm someone or something or to remove someone from power but to prevent certain news from coming to light and being known by the public in general. Probably because they turn out to be very sensitive and could cause alarm or impair the picture someone's.
It should be noted that the key to the success of the plot is given by the possibility of keeping it a secret until its consolidationIn other words, the person to whom it is addressed must not even assume that an operation is being carried out against them.
Normally, plots consist of several actions that have the purpose of achieving that different circumstances converge in the same objective.
As mentioned above, the plot has been an action that has been repeated throughout history. politics of the humanity, and even, many plots were the kick for the establishment of new policies or political regimes, or on the contrary for some to end.
Among the many examples of plots that we can find in history, we can cite one of the most remembered in political terms, the assassination of American President Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln died at the hands of actor John Wilkes Booth, who sympathized with the Confederate cause and could not bear that it ended in favor of the Union side. As a consequence he organized a plan to attack Lincoln and other political leaders in order to help his side. He would kill Lincoln with a shot to the head while he witnessed a play.
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