Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2012
The word introduce It is a term that we use very frequently in our language and through which it is possible to refer to various issues and situations.
The act of exhibiting, of putting something in view of an individual it is expressed through the word present. We need to present all the documentation before Monday otherwise it will be impossible to make the sale of the property.
Also, when the word present is used at the behest of some nouns it allows us to express actions such as offering and giving. He wants to present to everyone my desire to change the politics and for this I hope your collaboration.
Another common use that we give to this term is when propose an individual to occupy a certain position or to attribute a certain dignity or title. Juan will be presented as a candidate for the next internal elections of the club.
At the behest of means of communication massive We also find a reference for the word present, since it is used to account for the
directing task or commentaries, displayed by journalists or conductors, on radio or television. María Laura Santillán presents the news in the Telenoche newscast that is broadcast on Channel 13 in Argentina.In the language current we use the word when it comes to make an individual known to another person and then in order for him to be known, the introduction accompanied by the corresponding data. Hello, Juan, this is my brother, his name is Martín and he works as an employee in a Bank.
On the other hand, when someone appears or appears before us or in a place in an unexpected way it can also be expressed with this term. Laura showed up at the party and we were all surprised because we didn't think she would come.
In the judicial fieldLikewise, it is common to use this word to account for the attendance or not of a witness to appear in a case. Laura did not appear to give her testimony in front of the judge.
Presenting is a term that is closely related to the concept of presentation, word that designates that process from which all the information required by a topic is displayed at the request of a meeting or a audience.
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