Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2015
The concept of guard has several uses in our language.
Person who has the job and responsibility to save and care for something
On beginning We will say that the person who has the job and responsibility to save and care for something, an object, a place, among other possibilities. That is to say, this sense of the word would be a synonym of the words custodian and vigilant.
Normally companies, industries, fields, among other establishments, usually have a guard who will precisely be in charge of monitoring the place, that everything is developed as appropriate, not to allow the entry of intruders, and in case of observing some strange maneuver that threatens the place, take care of alerting the authorities competent.
Individual in charge of security on trains
On the other hand, and following this sense of the term, in places like Argentina, the individual who is in charge of the safety on trains. The guard will take care of going through each car to make sure that everything is as it should be, that the passengers are not suffering an attack, theft, and also controls that everyone has their
ticket, that is, the guard will control that no one travels without having paid their corresponding ticket.Law: legal custody of something or someone
But the word has many other uses, such as in the field of right used to indicate that a person was awarded custody legal of something or someone, a younger, among the most common cases.
Part of a sword that protects the hand
On the other hand, the guard is one of the parts that make up a sword, more precisely the one that protects the hand and has the mission by case of separating the hilt from the blade, which as we know is the sharp and most dangerous part of a knife like the sword.
That guard may have a design simple and simple or have an important design work and also be made of some precious material such as gold or silver.
The sword is undoubtedly one of the most used edged weapons since ancient times, in confrontations war and raids and one of the most dangerous due to the edge of its blade that can cause tremendous wounds.
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