Definition of Responsible Gaming
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Feb. 2019
The different games of chance in which there are economic prizes constitute a form of training. At the same time, it is a stimulating activity because it offers the option of obtaining millionaire economic profits. However, the uncontrolled inclination towards the game can lead to a conduct compulsive gambler.
Like any other activity, participation in games of chance it has two possible approaches, the responsible or the irresponsible.
In responsible gambling there are two protagonists: the player himself, and the entity that administers
In order to avoid gambling, the players themselves can adopt a attitude preventive based on self-control and in the responsibility. Some of the recommendations in this regard are the following: anticipate the amount of money to be spent, control the time that is devoted to gambling, assuming normally that losing is part of the game itself, not using the budget allocated to basic needs, avoid gambling under the influence of drugs or alcohol and not consider gambling as a form of escape to forget others problems.
A gambling company or entity can also take a responsible stance. Some of the possible measures are the following: prohibit the participation of minors or people disabled, not to promote gambling systems that are potentially addictive, to carry out information campaigns to raise awareness population about the dangers associated with gambling and not resorting to advertising deceptive type.
Gambling is a disease
The gambler does not have control over the game and cannot repress his addictive behavior. Someone is considered to have this addiction when he gambles compulsively. In other words, when his inclination is unstoppable. Gambling is a behavioral addiction, since the impulsive behavior of the player consists of in performing an action repeatedly, such as with addiction to shopping or sex.
The game acquires a category pathological when the individual does not have efficient control over the impulse that leads him to gamble. When this happens, very negative consequences are triggered: economic bankruptcy, the need to stealing or cheating to continue gambling, acquiring debt, breaking personal relationships, etc.
As in other addictions, in this one the affected person does not usually recognize her problem or continues to play with the false hope of recovering the lost money. As with alcohol or drugs, there are institutions that help rehabilitate people addicted to gambling.
Photo Fotolia: Lukas Gojda
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