Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2013
The word Leave It is a term of recurrent use in our language and that we even use it to express various questions and situations.
One of the most common jobs allows you to refer leave something or someone and also abandon that something or someone with our action of abandonment. A woman just left her baby at the church door and she only left one note. I'm going to abandon my boyfriend, the relationship is worn out and it's no more.
The word is also frequently used to indicate the renunciation of an idea or when a goal is abandoned or goal. I'm going to drop out of college because I can't study and work at the same time and I need more work. Laura does not abandon the idea of leaving the country.
On the other hand when leaving a physical place It is also expressed through the word abandon. Milagros is going to leave the house at the end of the month.
Regarding the emotions and relationships, the word abandon, likewise, has a habitual use, since through it the fact of
allow yourself to be manipulated and dominated either by affections, emotions, pleasures and vices, among others. Mario allowed himself to be abandoned by his anger and destroyed the entire office.In the languagecolloquial, when a person does not take care and rather neglects his grooming, his app, the obligations contracted and the interests that dominated it until that moment it will be said that he has abandoned himself in the appropriate aspect.
Other job usual is to indicate the surrender to difficulties and obstacles. If you abandon yourself at this time, it will cost you a lot to recover the Health.
The synonyms that are most used for this word are those of neglect and forsake, meanwhile, the concept that opposes is that of protect, which on the contrary refers protect, use the protection or favor that someone or something grants us.
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