Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2015
Anise, whose scientific name is Pimpinella anisum, is an annual herbaceous plant that can reach 60-80 centimeters in height if the ground conditions allow it. It has an erect and branched stem in a cylindrical shape at the top, as well as small white flowers. It is a plant native to the East, incorporated by the Arabs to the Iberian Peninsula and other areas of the Mediterranean. It is grown to great scale and Spain is one of the first producers of anise fruit. In smaller quantities it is also cultivated in Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria.
As a medicinal plant
It is one of the medicinal plants oldest in the world and there is evidence that anise was already cultivated 2000 years before Christ in Egypt. In Greece it was commonly used as a spice and medicinal plant. As for his composition It must be remembered that it contains 3% of essence in its fruits and that essence is composed of a substance called anethole, which gives it its characteristic aroma. At the same time, it contains various sugars and organic acids. These components give anise several healing properties: it is an expectorant that facilitates the expulsion of
gases, acts as a stomach tonic, increases the secretion of milk in women and animals and serves to regulate menstruation. This plant is recommended in cases of loss of appetite, gastrointestinal spasms, colds, bronchitis and to promote lactation. However, it should be noted that if it is administered in excessive doses it can be toxic.As for his administration It is recommended to take anise in the form of an infusion (a tablespoon of anise fruit in Water boiling to drink it as a hot drink).
Like liquor
The anise plant can also be distilled from the seeds and thus obtain anise liqueur or aniseed spirits. The anise liqueur can be sweet, dry or semi-dry depending on the amount of sugar used for its elaboration. It has a transparent appearance and has a high alcohol content (some anisees reach 74 degrees).
As an alcoholic drink it is very traditional in Spain and it is usual to drink it after copious meals to promote the digestion, accompanying coffee, as a flavoring in cocktails and even to give flavor in some elaborations of cake shop. At present, some anise factories continue to make it with traditional artisanal systems.
Anise is a drink so deeply rooted in some areas of Spain that its bottles are used as musical instrument, since its surface is irregular and in this way the bottle is scratched with a metal spoon. Christmas carols are sung accompanied by this original musical instrument at Christmas celebrations.
Photos: iStock - lutavia / ratmaner
Themes in Anise